God's involvement with man does not depend primarily on man's personality or character, but on his love for them.
Only those who are full of the Spirit of God will have learned to wait for the right moment, to have patience and not become frustrated.
Jesus felt the scorn of his own people. If this happened to the Lord Jesus, it shouldn't be surprising that it happens to us too.
When Jesus saw the multitudes he cried . And how de we react?
Do you know that future history depends in part on what we do? God has named us co-workers in reconciling the world to him.
We all run the serious risk of falling into self-centered motivation. We want people to admire us; we appreciate it when people look up to us! And God says that this attitude is of the world and the Devil.
In the world basketball championships in Spain in 1996, one man stood out above all the others, Tyrone Bogues.
God's Holy Spirit can bring the appropriate text to your mind because you have prepared beforehand, by storing them in your heart.
Len Bias, No 1 in the draft, signed up for the Boston Celtics but died because of a drug overdose. He had just signed one of the most expensive contracts in memory.
In the 60s, a conflict between Honduras and El Salvador started with a football match! Violence can multiply until the whole situation gets completely out of control.
The great thing about God is that his plans are always carried out. Despite the apparent determination of mankind to destroy things, God shows his power.
Friendship, faithfulness, forgiveness and acceptance. If we season everything with a big dose of good humour, and a total dependence on God, we will have an almost perfect marriage.
Hands that healed, hands that cared, strong hands, and full of power. Hands that always gave and did not ask, they were hands full of glory - the hands of Jesus.
It is our responsibility to speak to others about the Lord, so that they can find him and live. Are you going to make the decision to live as an evangelist? Don't forget that the lives of those around you could depend on you.
For many years JOAO LEITE was the first-choice goalkeeper for the Brazil national team, and he was one of the best in the world. Joao was one of the founder members of the group, ATHLETES FOR CHRIST, along with Baltazar.
God speaks to us through prayer. When we talk to him - seek to communicate with him, and to know him - we should listen too.
Sometimes we hold on to the theory that if we love and obey God, everything in our life will turn out well. This is not true. It is a mistake to say that God is a form of security against all harm.
We then stray from our own objectives, and so we have our prize taken away. In the 'Olympics' of our spiritual life, materialism stops us from participating and gaining medals.
Everyone should serve as they are able, and in that way they will gain approval from God himself, and our gratitude too.
Jack Lovelock was a great New Zealand sportsman, in 1936 an Olympic champion in Berlin in the 1500m.; he also graduated as a doctor from Oxford University.
Everyone has within them the image of their creator, and everyone around us can recognise God's love when they see it reflected in our actions.
When Bill Russell started to play in McClaymond's College there were people who played much better than he did. In the college there were 15 match shirts and he was player number 16.
Writer Jaime Fernandez believes that "the majority of sportsmen love what they do".
Undergoing spiritual training in our devotion to God means letting our character be moulded to Christ's image, allowing our lives to come under the control of the Holy Spirit, that all might see in us the love of the Father.
The Bible says that when our heart is happy it makes the face cheerful. And those around us will see that our happiness is rooted in God.
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