miercoles, 26 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez

Ordinary people that change the world

God cares about those whose wings are broken and teaches them to fly.

#JESUSONTHEWEB AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 18 DE FEBRERO DE 2016 11:10 h

During the month of February 2002, the famous singer Celine Dion raised eyebrows in the journalistic world by declaring that she owes her life to an evangelical pastor from her hometown in Canada because he encouraged her mother not to resort to abortion.

Celine's mother was about to fall in utter despair when she found out that she was pregnant again with her fourteenth child, so she decided to have an abortion. The pastor explained that she had no right to end a life that didn't belong to her, "He told my mother that she could not go against nature, so the truth is that I owe my life to that servant of God", confesses the famous interpreter of the theme of the movie "Titanic".

I think we will never understand the transcendence of the "ordinary" people. We live in a world that worships celebrities, those who govern the media, those who are known by their deeds, although these are often not worthwhile at all."Models" are so often presented in the media, they are models because of their appearance, but rarely because of their selfless assistance to others, solidarity or good example as citizens.

God sees things differently. Actually, let me tell you that things are otherwise.Those who really move the world are those who help, those who hug you, heal you, those who work for justice, those who give good advice, those who care for others, those who admit their weaknesses and are not arrogant... those by whom we are still able to live in this world are ordinary people.

God specializes in using failed people, those who have fallen, who think that their lives have no value.God loves the strangers, the weak, who are often unable to look up. God cares about those whose wings are broken and teaches them to fly.

Our Creator underestimates the self- sufficient, and those who think the world owes them something. God doesn't use those who go through life thinking they are the best and always with their heads up. Our Father in Heaven turns away the arrogant because they do not understand anything about love and what it means to suffer for others.

God speaks and sometimes even has to shout to the humble, to those who think that their life has no meaning, because they are the light of the world. Strangers help us, the weak give us strength; those who suffer teach us to enjoy life.It is not surprising that many of us would not even be alive if it were not for people like that.

Do not be surprised when any "famous person" makes a real effort of humility and sincerity to say that they wouldn't be where they are if it were not for the help of many strangers. Those who live their daily life in a simple and happy way, they are the ones who move the world.


Jaime Fernández. Author of several bboks about sports and faith.

This is an article of the Jesus on the Web 2016 series. You can learn more about the project visiting its website, Facebook and Twitter.




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