domingo, 23 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernández


How often we forget that no one can take the glory, but God himself. But how many times do we seek that glory?

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 10 DE ABRIL DE 2016 10:20 h
Bernhard Langer in 1985 by Croes, Rob C. / Anefo - Dutch National Archives, The Hague, Fotocollectie Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau (ANeFo), 1945-1989, Nummer toegang Bestanddeelnummer 933-3844, CC BY-SA 3.0 nl

I believe that it is the sport that everyone would like to practise. It doesn't seem to be tiring, and those long strolls on the course look like fun. But that isn't true. Anyone who has ever played it knows how hard golf can be, and especially during competition.

One of the best players in the world today is BERNHARD LANGER. He has won over 50 tournaments worldwide. Bernhard is also a student of the Bible. Before a game, he likes to read the Bible together with his opponents. For example, before the Ryder Cup matches between USA and Europe, players from both teams read the Bible together.

Not long ago, Bernhard said, "I think it's a wonderful thing when believers from different teams can get together and worship the same God." That is an important quality, to love others, even when they are your opponents.

On the other hand, it is a great danger to feel jealous of another player, and even more if it is someone on your own team. God says that jealousy is one of the works of the flesh and, therefore, it is something animal, worldly and diabolical. Jealousy ruins our relationships with other people, it destroys us and, of course, it prevents us from loving. In reality, jealousy is nothing more than a demonstration of our love for ourselves, a manifestation of our selfishness and pride.

Every day we hear news of great problems caused by jealousy within teams. We also often hear about the division of churches, which began with jealousy in some of the members. 'Why didn't they ask me to do that? Why did they ask that other person? Why does John get all the praise, when I did the work?' Jealousy is a monster that hurts and destroys.

As if that weren't enough, what about the jealousy that exists among those in the work of the Lord? Behind a criticism of another person, there is usually jealousy of that person's influence, power, or even their spiritual success. How vicious we can become!

How often we forget that no one can take the glory, but God himself. But how many times do we seek that glory? It seems hard for us to realise that glory in human hands does not endure, but instead destroys and does evil. We all know it doesn't belong to us, but we go on being jealous.

The Bible says that jealousy is as hard as the grave, because it can "kill" people who allow it to fester in them. Anyone who makes room in his life for jealousy, is blind to the love of others. He has put up a barrier that doesn't allow anyone in and he cannot see the good others do for him. He only feels jealous, and that jealousy destroys him. It kills him. It strangles his love, even his love for God.




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