Being kind to others is the proof that our character is becoming more and more like that of Christ.
In May 2002 the government shut down many Christian churches. There are around 220 Christians in prison and Eritrean troops are killing pastors.
The proposal passed with 274 votes in favour and 136 against. It states that no minister will be forced to participate. Opponents said the decision “is not biblical”.
We can be caught up all too easily in the frantic rush and busyness of life. There is a better way, His way, through which He gives us opportunities to rest in Him and just ‘be’.
Ten Christian schools were examined to see if they are affected by religious elements. The goverment proposed to ban new denominational schools, but many associations reject it.
Historical images of schools founded by Protestant churches have been presented in Barcelona. "They stood out for their innovative teaching methods”, organisers say.
The preacher will have a lot more material after the exegesis than they are able to present in the sermon.
Born in the context of IFES, the Revive movement will continue to work with other European ministries as they “long for God to do something much larger than any organisation”, says Sarah Breuel.
“After the covid, people needed to share their faith outside the walls of the churches”, say organisers. Around 500 gospels and 500 Bibles were given to passers-by.
Refugee work must not deenergize Christians, the opposite is true, done properly it will lead to a deeper experience and generate more energy.
Despite receiving requests from victims for 15 years, and a secret list of 700 accused pastors, the SBC Executive Committee refused to act on it.
The Bill aims to allow assisted suicide for those over 75 who do not qualify to apply for euthanasia. “Government has a duty to protect its citizens”, Council says.
The volunteers who chose to stay in Ukraine encounter lines of grateful survivors anxious not only for food but also for Bibles and prayer.
The French government says it is “an unacceptable community provocationl”. The Major of Grenoble explains that “all we want is for women to be able to dress how they want”
Just Helpers self-employed staff are paid at least the London Living Wage. This commitment is rooted in the biblical principle of honouring workers.
We should invest time every day in learning our foundations, pick up the Word of God every day and read it..
Over 500 representatives of evangelical churches and organisations in Europe attend the European Leadership Forum conference in Poland. A pastor from Kyiv shared details about the response of Christians during the invasion.
The event “Xuntos por Galicia” (Together for Galicia) gathered around 800 people in the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela, to be trained and pray together.
The heart of the Ukranian Christian church missionary enterprise is to cross borders instead of erecting them and we in the rest of Europe must support them.
“175 Years for Unity” was the slogan of the jubilee ceremony. Swiss and international evangelical leaders participated “on a journey through time”.
Among the changes, which will cost the state 104 million euros, it will allow minors aged 16 and 17 to carry out abortions without authorisation.
In the sermon, remember that some details need no more than a passing comment, while others are critical and central to the passage.
The State of the Bible report highlights cultural trends in the United States regarding faith and the Bible.
A Finnish journalist and a Swedish theologian say most Christians agree it is time to leave military neutrality. “But our ultimate trust is in the living, almighty God”.
In recent decades, the missions movement has seen a trend towards the use of systematic processes to solve problems, improve efficiency, and support growth, with measurable outcomes and goals.
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