According to a Marriage Foundation report, UK is leading the way, with the biggest fall in the last 25 years. Divorce rates are overall higher in Scandinavia and Northern Europe.
The YouVersion Bible app annual report shows that “people read and listened to the Bible 30% more this year, and 478 million verses have been shared”.
A Pew Research survey also shows that 55% of US adults surveyed believe “churches and religious organizations do more good than harm in American society”.
Genetic research places the first human beings in the South African country. Christian scientists say the study is inconclusive and the debate about our origins will continue.
A BBVA Foundation report shows how the citizens of 5 European countries see their political situation, the role of the State, the EU, the media, and challenges such as migration and climate change.
A study shows that evangelical churches give migrants “the opportunity to integrate into the community and establish relationships”. It calls the political authorities to use these opportunities better.
A report of the ‘Observatory of Laicité’ says the right to express one’s beliefs in public is protected by “internal and international laws”. Evangelicals are the faith group with the highest percentage of practicing believers.
According to a Pew Research survey, “52 countries impose high levels of restrictions on religion, up from 40 in 2007”. Social hostilities have grown even more.
Only 2 in 10 Spaniards are practicing Catholics, according to official statistics. Half of young people identify as either Atheists, Agnostics or indifferent.
Research in Spain fuels the political debate about limiting the power of the porn industry. Christian activists have long been alerting about the damaging effects on children and youth.
Several universities has launched the study ‘Understanding Unbelief’.“Atheists and agnostics endorse the realities of objective moral values at similar rates to the general populations”.
The video platform created in 2005 is by far the most valued social media among young people aged 11-18, a report of Youth For Christ shows.
“Nones” represent 23.1% of the population, evangelicals 22,8%, and Catholics 23%. “Those of no religious faith will be the largest group in America in the next five years”.
What we go through in our infancy is recorded as by fire in our heart.
“The problem of anxiety requires a firm hope that is not utopia”, says psychiatrist Pablo Martínez.
“The disappearance of many species of insects could possibly be the beginning of the disappearance of our own species”, PhD in Biology Antonio Cruz, says.
According to a survey conducted in the United Kingdom, the perfect Sunday “consists of waking up at 8:30 am to the smell of breakfast, a cuddle and three hours of television”.
The Evangelical Fellowhsip of India publishes a detailed report of attacks against Christians in 2018. They ask the government to “ensure the rule of law and the security of religious minorities”.
For the first time in the history of the country where the Reformation began, there are more Catholics than Protestants.
A YouGov survey shows that “substantial portions of Western respondents” believe Islam is incompatible with society.
A response to the Pew Research Center’s 2018 report, Being Christian in Europe.
Our grand truth arrives only with a definitive encounter: only when we meet our Creator.
A series of short video documentaries provide cutting-edge information about missiological issues defined in the Cape Town Commitment. The evangelical movement aims to spark thoughtful discussion and action.
The world's total fertility rate declined from 4.7 births in 1950 to 2.4 in 2017.
A Pew Research report shows that Christian affiliation has declined in Western Europe, while substantial shares in Central and Eastern Europe believe in God and have greater religious commitment.
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