Expert German researchers said they showed “characteristics inconsistent with ancient origin”.
“For many people, religion is a defining part of their life and should therefore be given greater focus”, Ofcom’s report on Equal Opportunities in Television says.
“We have a responsibility to ensure the visibility of disabled people”.
According to a LifeWay Research survey, 46% of churchgoers prefer to attend a church where people share their political views.
Once you have prayed, wrestled, tried, failed, corrected and tried again, you may eventually arrive at a golden destination: an understanding of the text’s details in context.
Half of the respondents in the UK had a positive experience of Christians. The survey coincides with the launch of Faitheism, a book by Krish Kandiah.
“Not only are low-cost, but they offer holistic health care for all individuals, and more importantly, they create community”, a study about the church’s impact on health and care says.
One in four Western Europeans say they are atheists, agnostics or have no particular religion, says a new Pew Research study conducted in 15 countries.
According to a new Pew Research survey, 80% of Americans believe in God, but only 56% say they believe in the God of the Bible.
Journalist Pilar Rahola publishes a book in which she collects her five-year work on the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. “It was necessary to tell the world that there are people who die, not because of a random bullet, but because they are Christians”.
Pew Research report shows that 84% of US Catholics have a positive view of the pope, but a growing share of them believe he is ‘too liberal’ and ‘naïve’.
The children born between 1999 and 2015 are the first truly “post-Christian” generation. Some of the biggest barriers to belief are the problem of evil and a perceived hypocrisy among Christians.
The World Economic Forum in Davos gathers around 3,000 to tackle the issue of inequality. According to Oxfam, “2017 saw the biggest increase in the number of billionaires in history, one more every two days”.
The rate is similar among Roman Catholics and Protestants. The 2017 Reformation commemorations have not had a deep impact, experts say.
More than 32,000 cases of human trafficking have been analysed by Polaris, a leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery.
There is a decline in the number of adults in the US who believe the biblical Christmas story. Many say it does not matter if they are greeted with “merry Christmas” or “happy holidays”.
“Non-Muslim European women are projected to have a total fertility rate of 1.6 children, on average, compared with 2.6 children per Muslim woman in the region”, says a Pew Research study.
Czech researcher David Vokoun shares about what it means to live out his faith in the workplace. “What makes a difference is my motivation for doing my work”.
The use of these devices at an early age “causes lack of interaction and impairs the healthy development of their senses”, pediatricians around the world are saying.
According to researchers, the solar eclipse took place on 30 October 1207 BC. If the words in Joshua “are describing a real observation, then a major astronomical event was taking place”.
Two thirds of converted evangelical Christians are former Roman Catholics. A survey asks about social engagement, secularism and euthanasia.
Scientific research warns that some of the dyes used in tattoos contain contaminants that could harm the lymph nodes.
Large report shows that only 17% of Americans are white evangelical Protestant. Baptists are the largest denomination, and most of religiously unaffiliated citizens identify as secular.
Are believers forming exclusively Romanian mono-cultural churches? Are they integrating into existing British churches? Are they joining in with multicultural churches that reflect Britain’s cultural and ethnic diversity?
“Pastors who make time for sharing their faith with non-Christians and who teach church members to do the same can have a big impact”, LifeWay Research study says.
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