This section aims to suggest areas in which we may ask questions about the life of a biographical subject, and some mistakes to avoid in the study of lives. By Jacob Dunn.
The football star presents his autobiography, in which he reviews his difficult career and stresses the importance of his faith. He was a key player for Colombia in the Copa America 2021.
The atmospheric conditions characteristic of the Old Testament period were conducive to the existence of enormous flocks of partridges on the mountains of Judea, on the banks of the Dead Sea and in the Negev desert.
In times of struggle, we can look to the lives of those who have gone before us and take courage from the fact that their experiences can mirror our own. By Jacob Dunn.
Christian psychologist Jonatan Serrano analyses the consequences of the normalisation of pornography in society. “No one would leave a child with a loaded gun in his pocket because he might hurt others or himself, but we are doing that with pornography”.
Church leaders and rights activists fear that shelter homes, police and courts facilitate the forced conversions of Christian girls.
The Global Youth Culture Study found out about their struggles, beliefs, relationships, connectedness and who and what influences them.
The Egyptians used papyrus to make not only boats, but also baskets, footwear, utensils, a range of household objects, and, most importantly, the stems were used to make the famous material on which they wrote and drew pictures.
King Solomon’s table comprised fabulous and abundant arrays of delicious food, among which there were fattened ducks.
Although no longer monumental and certainly not monolithic, Thomism is still “substantial” for Roman Catholicism, representing its main theological backbone.
At the end of the summer and in winter there was not enough pasture to feed the livestock, so the animals had to be taken up into the mountains and food provided for them manually. Green branches of trees and bushes were cut for this purpose.
Three Spaniards and a Puerto Rican launch a hip hop song about the impact of following Christ.
In the Bible, this vegetation appears as a symbol of human inconsistency, as the wicked are described as “straw which the wind drives away”.
The shooting of the story of Father Stuart, a boxer turned Catholic priest, has started. Wahlberg has been working on the project for six years.
Ten years after it was signed, the European Evangelical Alliance urges countries “to take seriously the harm done to women and girls” in practices such as sexual exploitation, domestic abuse or equality.
German police detain four men and shut down a dark web platform that had over 400,000 users from around the world.
The Bible only divides birds into two groups: clean and unclean.
The Bible refers to the sheep as a docile and affectionate animal; which knows the voice of its shepherd; gentle and silent; unable to survive on their own, which is why they have to be guided by the shepherd.
“We support the ending of abusive practices, while ensuring people are free to seek prayer and pastoral support to live out their beliefs”, Northern Ireland evangelicals say.
Normally bears avoid contact with humans but, if they are disturbed, or hungry, or robbed of their cubs, they are extremely dangerous (Isaiah 11:7; Amos 5:19; 2 Samuel 17:8; Prov. 17:12; 28:15; Hosea 13:8).
An event held in Madrid shows the successes of the Nordic model, which punishes the client, to curb trafficking and prostitution.
The Olea europea is one of the most emblematic trees in the regions bordering the Mediterranean, and abundant in the Holy Land since remote antiquity. The Bible refers to it, and to the products that are obtained from it, on many occasions.
Why the UK Evangelical Alliance is standing against abusive practices and defending religious freedom.
The Evangelical Council of Catalonia defends “non-violence as a tool for transformation” and asks Christians to “pray for social peace”.
The photo is low-res, his hands are out of focus as he is clapping with delight, it wouldn’t win any photography competitions, but I just love it!
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