Black mustard seed, as tiny as the head of a needle, is one of the smallest seeds that can be perceived by the naked human eye.
To date some 160,000 different species have been recorded, although it is speculated that millions more remain to be identified.
The parliament of Victoria makes any individual practice that aims to “change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity” illegal. Faith groups believe the law restricts religious freedom.
Victor Glover, one of the crew of the International Space Station, published two images of the sun shining just over the Earth’s horizon.
Evangelicals condemn forced therapies but say the will of same-sex attracted people who seek spiritual support has to be respected.
Its excellent sense of hearing enables it to detect small rodents, large insects, birds and worms, whereas its small size (25 cm from beak to tail) prevents it from hunting for larger prey.
Myrrh is a resinous, aromatic substance which is obtained from the trunk of a bush or small tree known scientifically as Commiphora myrrha. It is native to Northeast Africa, Arabia and Turkey.
The film is based upon Fellowship for Performing Arts’ one man stage play that tells the British author’s journey from atheism to Christianity.
Leticia Porto, organiser of the Spanish 'Pornography, Children and Women Congress': “Pornography is a school of inequality between women and men in the 21st century”.
In Israel there were four different wild species of mint: horse mint, polo mint, mastrtanto and mentha aquatica.
The Egyptians were the first nomadic beekeepers, as they used to transport their hives by boat on the Nile, in search of different types of flowering plant.
Melons were grown in Egypt during the third millennium before Christ. The fruit can have either a spherical or elliptical appearance and its weight ranges from 400 grammes to 20 kg, though it rarely exceeds 5 kg.
In modern times they have been used therapeutically in very small doses to treat insomnia, rheumatic pain and gout. However, it is a very poisonous plant - an overdose can cause tachycardia, delirium and even death.
An anonymous online survey is launched in Spain “to get an overview of pornography use within the church and to develop support resources adapted to the needs that may arise”.
The word “mallow” only appears once in the Bible, in this quote from the book of Job, to refer to an edible plant near to desert regions.
Wood was scarce in Biblical lands, due to the poverty of the forests, it had to be imported from other regions, like Lebanon. Wood was reserved for feeding the fires of their sacrifices.
Jesus had the audacity to give the term a completely opposite meaning to the connotations that were familiar to his hearers.
The European Freedom Network will hold its “Bridge Conference” online as anti-trafficking groups learn to adapt to the Covid-19 context. Internet security, the growth of pornography addiction and the increased vulnerability of trafficked women are some of the challenges, says Leanne Rhodes.
The common hare in Palestine, or Cape hare (Lepus capensis) looks like a giant rabbit but, unlike the latter, they have body-hair when they are born and can see, as their eyes are already open.
Its meaning has been a subject of debate among translators since ancient times, as it is a mythical monster common to many Semitic mythologies.
In the longer term, pornography can cause the user to view people as objects rather than as whole and complete individuals.
The Bible mentions the leopard several times with the Hebrew term namer, which means literally “the spotted beast”.
A research of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation forecasts world population to shrink after mid-century. “The solution are open migration policies and social measures to support families”.
It is estimated that a couple of owls can eliminate up to two thousand mice per year.
The regard in which they were held can even be seen in some of the names that were given by the Romans: Fabius comes from the Latin word Faba, meaning bean: Cicero comes from cicer, meaning chickpea.
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