This fruit is mentioned in Leviticus in relation to the feast of the Tabernacles and it actually refers to the citron tree.
No ban should have the effect of stopping churches or Christian ministries from teaching a biblical view of marriage as between a man and a woman, and sexual activity as reserved for that.
The terebinth, is native to the west Mediterranean, but it has spread eastwards to Greece, Turkey, Syria and Israel, and it is very resistant to drought.
Spiderwebs can teach engineers a great deal about molecular design. But the question that arises how was the internal structure of the spiderweb designed?
Doubts about the new (proposed) laws which cover talking therapy are being expressed from within LGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual) circles themselves.
Pornography websites could be fined up to 10% of their annual turnover or be blocked. Christian associations welcome “a significant, but long overdue step in the right direction”.
A short biography of a Jamaican icon.
The Swiss Evangelical Alliance regrets “grievous mistakes in the past” but opposes a law that could limit the freedom of people to seek help according their religious convictions.
The new 'progressive Christianity', which is in reality a regression to a pagan Gnosticism which uses the words of Christianity, also has other characteristics apart from the misuse of language.
The Hebrew word zera, which means “seed”, both vegetal and animal, was translated into Greek as sperma, meaning “that which has been sown”.
The biography of Columbanus and Robert Schuman, is a unique contribution filling a major gap in literature on the making of Europe.
In an in-depth interview, British pastor and author Sam Allberry analyses the debates around sexual identity, freedom of speech, marriage, and abuse in Christian contexts. Watch the video.
The common name “gecko” occurs in some versions of the Bible. It refers to a small saurian with a large head and eyes, and skin which is granular.
A resolution of the Council of 47 European countries recommends to focus on sexual education, online protection and security, and strong regulation.
The Jews of biblical times used it as a condiment for their meals, and also as an antiseptic and disinfectant. It is a bush which can reach a height of 60 to 90 cm.
It has very large green leaves, scattered throughout the plant, with a rib system that resembles the fingers of the human hand. That is how it got the name “Palma Christi”.
After other predators have consumed the soft parts of their prey, the bonebreakers arrive to feast on the skeleton. They are capable of swallowing and digesting 20 cm long pieces of bone.
Although the government says the ban “will not impact everyday religious practice”, evangelicals warn “there are questions on the details which will require further clarity”.
The EFN held its 7th Bridge Conference.“The church has a crucial role in preventing trafficking and in creating a safe restorative community for survivors”, organisers say.
The heads of cloth moths (Tinea pellionella) are usually covered with hairs, they have a short proboscis, long antennae and maxillary palps.
Two children's associations are suing France's leading internet providers. 1 out of 3 French 12-year-olds has been exposed to pornography.
The land by the sea will become pastures having wells for shepherds and pens for flocks. Zeph. 2:6
During the second century, believers identified themselves to each other by drawing the simple figure of a fish on the ground or on the walls of the catacombs in Rome.
The regional government had imposed a 20,001 Euros fine on Elena Lorenzo.
The Armenian cucumber is not a true cucumber, but is most likely the fruit referred to in Num. 11:5 and Is. 1:8.
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