As the debate around abortion and euthanasia resurfaces in Spain, over 500 groups and thousands of families marched to “protect the life of the most vulnerable”.
On the International Women’s Day, the Seneca Falls platform in Spain underlines that “the Bible condemns inequality, machismo and all kind of violence against women”.
Officials said that the charges “may well start again”. The defence claims that she is “in a significant legal unclarity and will seek clear verdict in court”.
The new text of the draft law changes the term “right” for “freedom to terminate the pregnancy”. To be finally adopted, the law must be voted in a referendum.
The Portuguese Evangelical Alliance laments that there was neither a broad “philosophical, social and religious” conversation nor enough guarantees of “palliative and social care”. The parliament passed a third version of the text in December.
“The right to kill cannot become a supra-legislative rule, a constitutional right”, said organisers of the march for life.
Official data show a slight upturn in abortions. 90% of them were “at the woman's request”.
As citizens of democratic nations with rich human rights traditions, it is our duty to cease being passive about misinformation and misleading terminology.
“There is a huge range of ways that Christians can make a difference”, says Mark Arnold, who works supporting ‘additional needs’ families in the UK.
Christian parliamentarians say existing laws already protect citizens from harassment. “It would be a threat to freedom of speech, assembly and religion”.
The 4th Spanish Bioethics Conference will give a Christian perspective on creation care, life and death, and AI. “Bioethics is not primarily a theoretical issue to be considered at a university classroom, but a practical reality in everyday life”.
The 12th March for Life in Switzerland had a festive mood, with live music, testimonies, and a call to implement a 24 hours period of reflection before performing an abortion.
In recent Marches For Life, Christian organisations have suffered attacks and threats. The Evangelical Alliance says the “democratic heritage of Switzerland” must be protected.
This year the theme of the march was '10 million too many', a reference to the number of abortions carried out in the UK since the approval of the Abortion Act in 1967.
There were 107 legal abortions in 2021, 90% less than the previous year. “The biggest problem now is illegal abortions using pills”, pro-life groups warn.
A majority of parliamentarians in Strasbourg passes a non-binding resolution that “strongly” condemns the Supreme Court decision of the United States.
Is it possible to change the tone of the debate? Is it possible to speak up on abortion in a way that will increase support for both the woman and baby?
Pro-life groups in Europe follow with attention the situation in the US after the decision that reversed “Roe v Wade”. Small organisations network to support women holistically.
Abortion is no longer a right on a national level and every state will have to decide. Both pro-life and pro-abortion movements mobilise for a fight that will continue on a state-by-state level.
Christians should be known for their ability to analyse cultural narratives, especially those that appeal to Christian values.
It is the lowest figure since official statistics were first collected in 1996. Unlike other countries, the pandemic has not increased the number of terminations.
“We will continue to defend and give voice to the voiceless”, said Peruvian evangelical congresswoman Milagros Aguayo, who participated in the march.
Alejandro Giammattei, President of Guatemala: “This is a day to celebrate that we have a country that learns, teaches and does everything possible to respect life from conception to natural death".
The Guatemalan government celebrates a solemn act in the National Palace for the declaration of the country as Pro-Life Capital, with national and Latin American leaders.
The Law for the Protection of Life and the Family passed with 101 votes in favour, 51 abstentions and 8 against. Evangelicals presented 100,000 signatures requesting the approval.
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