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“There is a biblical feminism with Jesus as a point of reference”

On the International Women’s Day, the Seneca Falls platform in Spain underlines that “the Bible condemns inequality, machismo and all kind of violence against women”.

FUENTES Protestante Digital AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus MADRID 08 DE MARZO DE 2023 11:15 h
The Spanish Congress of Deputies, in Madrid, on 8 March, illuminated to celebrate the International Women's Day.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the evangelical platform Seneca Falls, in Spain, underlined the feminism of Protestant origin

Ahead of the 8th March, a day of all kind of events to demand equality for women, the evangelical group pointed to the Declaration of Sentiments signed in the Protestant chapel of the village of Seneca Falls (New York) in 1848, which, based on the biblical principles of equality and freedom of men and women, initiated the suffragette movement that bore fruit years later.

“Today it is necessary to continue celebrating the advances, but also to demand the rights that are still not granted to women: improving active employment policies, reducing the existing wage gap, dignifying the care sector and adopting public policies of co-responsibility and effective conciliation for a better quality of maternity and paternity”, the platform based in Madrid says.

[photo_footer] Spanish 8 March celebration.  [/photo_footer] 

Also, as a Christian platform, they point out that “the Bible condemns inequality, machismo and all kind of violence against women. Jesus is our fundamental point of reference in the treatment and role he gave to women”.

For this reason, all Christians should support the victims and be at the forefront of movements for justice and equality, they argue.

In this context, “education for equality and a change in views towards women is the key to achieving a culture free of violence against women, including the abolition of prostitution system and the sexual and reproductive exploitation of women [surrogacy]”.

[photo_footer] The evangelical Seneca Falls platform in Spain is a Christian feminist movement.  [/photo_footer] 

They also “raise our voice against the transgender law, for directly harming women in general and children in particular. And in defence of life from conception to death”.

The statement also refers to situations beyond the national borders, with a special remembrance for the women and girls in Iran “who are being poisoned for such a basic right as attending schools”.

The implementation of new laws “are important”, they say, “but we are aware that they do not transform human beings, they only manage to stop greater evils”.

A Christian feminist movement, they say, helps bring “the light, love and power of the message and the person of Jesus, who can change hearts and transform this society into a better, more just one, giving hope that with faith and the values that emanate from Him, change can be achieved, healing the victims and transforming the root of the culture of machismo”.

Read or download here the statement of the Seneca Falls Platform on the occasion of International Women’s Day (Spanish language).




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