Guatemalan Foreign Affairs Minister Mario Adolfo Búcaro talks about the country's declaration as the Latin American pro-life capital, and its policies in defence of the unborn.
The new law also allows midwives to perform instrumental abortions. “It is a sad decision, adopted despite the warnings of doctors and gynaecologists”, say evangelicals.
The ruling of the Constitutional Court came during an extraordinary session marked by a pro-life rally under the motto “the silence of the innocents”.
Over 750,000 signatories had asked for a vote, but the highest court says the life of the weak and vulnerable would not be protected. Evangelicals praise the decision.
On 9 March, the Guatemalan government will celebrate the first National Day of Life. The inauguration of the monument will be attended by the country’s President and other Latin American officials.
Despite her past stand against abortion, Roberta Metsola told reporters after being elected that her position on abortion will be “that of the European Parliament”.
Katalin Novák has been the Family Minister of Viktor Orbán’s government. She says her faith is central to her understanding of a “family friendly Hungary”.
The Guatemalan President announced that the declaration will take place on 9 March 2022, with a message of respect for life from conception.
The event, organised by an evangelical association, offered training on pro-life issues and finished with a flashmob in the center of Madrid.
The proposal did not pass with 65 votes against, 62 in favour and one abstention. Since 2017, abortion is legal in Chile in cases of rape or danger for the life of the mother and the child.
The peaceful demonstration was often disrupted by aggressive counter-protests. Christians also denounced that “the distorted portrayal of the event by some media was sobering”.
The killing of Conservative MP Sir David Amess “has been declared as a terrorist incident”, said the Metropolitan's Counter Terrorism Command. A suspect is being interrogated.
A large majority in the small traditionally Catholic country decided in a referendum to allow abortion up to the 12th week.
The facilities of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance and two pro-life associations were vandalised ahead of the March For Life. There have been many similar incidents in the country in recent years.
“Abortion should never be a human right”, one speaker said. Counter-protests organised by far-left groups tried to disrupt the march in both countries.
The “Heartbeat" Act protects the unborn from the sixth week of pregnancy. Pro-life groups believe the country is on the verge of a paradigm shift.
Prior to the march itself, a ‘LifeFest 21’ event took place, with testimonies, children activities and workshops.
The ammendment to the PCSC Bill was withdrawn after being debated in the Parliament. “UK politicians should be backing moves to lower the legal limit for abortion, not raise it”, says Christian organisation.
Last-minute extreme attempts to allow abortion up to birth. The proposed New Clause 55 is an extreme effort to extend individual autonomy at the expense of caring for both women and their babies.
The document was published only two days after a similar blacklist in Argentina. Targeted groups include the European Christian Political Movement and ADF.
The European Evangelical Alliance had called to reject the report: “Abortion is about the life of the woman but also about the life of the unborn child. Both lives matter”.
A website paid by International Planned Parenthood published personal data and “connections” of pro-life and pro-family groups. Strong reactions in all social spheres criticise the “culture of hate” promoted by the “thought police”.
The Matić report says “barriers in the access to abortion” lead to “inequalities in achieving women’s rights across the EU”. A final resolution is expected to be passed on 23 June.
The pro-family and pro-life coalition formed by politicians from Latin America and Spain opens an office near the Capitol in Washington D.C. and aims to become a pro-life Core Group in the UN.
Milagros Aguayo was number two on the Lima list of the Renovación Popular party for the Congress. “The gospel is a tool to participate in the public life”, she says.
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