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Guatemala Foreign Affairs: ‘Let us unite in a common pro-life and pro- family cause’

Guatemalan Foreign Affairs Minister Mario Adolfo Búcaro talks about the country's declaration as the Latin American pro-life capital, and its policies in defence of the unborn.

FUENTES Evangélico Digital AUTOR 200/Javier_Bolanos,5/Evangelical_Focus GUATEMALA CITY 09 DE MARZO DE 2022 12:45 h
Guatemalan Foreign Affairs Minister Mario Adolfo Búcaro Flores.

This Wednesday 9 March, Guatemala will be recognised as the “Pro-Life Capital of Ibero-America”, in a ceremony at National Palace, led by Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei.

A three-meter high and two meters wide monument will be placed in the newly named “Patio of Life” at the centre of the Palace. There will be one week of events to celebrate that every 9 March will be the National Day of Life for the Guatemalans.

Latin American news website, Evangelico Digital talked to the new Foreign Affairs Minister of President Alejandro Giammattei's government, Mario Adolfo Búcaro Flores, about this event and what it means for the country.

Búcaro is a lawyer and notary, as well as a career diplomat, who was the former ambassador of the Central American country to Israel, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Mexico. He is an evangelical Christian.

Question. What can you tell us about the declaration of Guatemala as the pro-life capital of Latin America, and the policies that the country has developed in defence of the life of the unborn?

Answer. The pro-life message that President Giammattei has sent to the world is very clear, and is in line with all the policies he has developed in Guatemala, which are in fact included in our Constitution, in terms of defending life from conception and the family. It is a joy to welcome so many guests, friends and politicians to this ceremony.

Q. There will be many events during these days, such as the declaration of the Day of Life in Guatemala and the presentation of a monument in the National Palace

A. From the 8th to the 13th of March, Guatemala will dress up, especially on the 9th with the presentation of the monument "Guatemala Light to the Nations" in the National Palace, which will be a significant event that I am sure will reach many future generations.


Q. This initiative comes from the Ibero-American Congress for Life and the Family, which brings together evangelical leaders in all fields. How do you assess the work of the Ibero-American Congress?

A. It is important and crucial that we can all unite in a common pro-life and pro-family cause within the concert of nations, and Guatemala welcomes the Ibero-American Congress and all the entities that have the same goals as the Guatemalan president's vision in this area.


Q. There are countries that pass legislation in favour of abortion, as Colombia has recently done. How do you analyse it?

A. We respect the sovereign decisions of each country and the self-determination of the people and we will never interfere in specific sovereignty issues.

Our message is aimed at Guatemalans, so that, as article 144 of our Constitution states, we defend human rights, understanding that this includes the right to life; this is what is included in the internal legislation that President Giammattei is applying.

Q.  Will this example of Guatemala influence other nations to take similar initiatives to protect the life of the unborn?

A. I stress that each country must decide this in a sovereign way. But there is no doubt that we Guatemalans feel very proud of our legislation and the values of our system in favour of the life and the family.



ESTAS EN: - - Guatemala Foreign Affairs: ‘Let us unite in a common pro-life and pro- family cause’
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