“We cannot accept the promotion of a free abortion law, while the crisis of vulnerable children continues to be forgotten”, said members of the national parliament.
The 23 February election could turn frustration into a historic rise of the far right. A journalist points to the importance of “acknowledge other opinions and not immediately condemn them”.
The Congress Hall of Honour hosts the film ‘Amada’ and the signing of the Commitment to Life by senators and deputies from several parties.
“Prosecutors will need to consider not only all the facts of the particular conduct, but also the context in which it takes place”, says the Crown Prosecution Services.
“Today, the court has decided that certain thoughts, silent thoughts, can be illegal in the United Kingdom”, Adam Smith-Connor said after the court ruling.
In 2023, 103,097 abortions were performed in Spain, an increase of 4.8% over the previous year. The pharmacological method is on the rise.
As the coalition government pushes for liberalisation of abortion, pro-life organisations say their message is increasingly being heard.
Decisions such as ending the ban on performing same-sex marriages, or the ordination of LGTBQI+ people, could lead more people to abandon the Methodist churches, which suffered a schism in 2019.
Walking to Parliament Square in London, the March For Life UK defended that “abortion is not healthcare”.
The bill aims to give better alternatives to mothers in fragile economic situations. In Italy, evangelicals welcome it as a way of complying with the 1978 law.
Last year, 12,045 terminations of pregnancies were recorded. Abortions are legal in the first twelve weeks.
A survey finds that the image of Swiss evangelical free churches has improved, specially among young people aged 18 to 39.
Some will likely stick with him as a “known quantity” but his push to further regulate churches and legalize euthanasia have shocked and alienated many Christians.
Scotland follows in England’s footsteps by creating ‘buffer zones’. Pro-life groups expect silent prayers outside health centres to be banned.
Abortions soar by 17% in 2022 after the implementation of early abortion procedures at home, which accounted for six out of ten pregnancy terminations.
Arie de Pater of the European Evangelical Alliance in Brussels: “The fact that a majority in the Parliament calls for abortion as a human right is no doubt discomforting to many if not all Evangelicals across Europe”.
Boosted by the decision in France, a majority voted “yes” to include abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. But opposition is expected from countries such as Malta, Poland and Hungary.
An evangelical feminist in Spain looks with sadness at the constitutionalisation of abortion in the neighbouring country.
When decriminalising abortion in 1975, the famous feminist Simone Veil called on the next generations to “preserve the supreme value of life”, recalls the CNEF.
“Thousands of women are being betrayed by the over promotion of abortion as the only possible response to pregnancy”, laments an Irish pro-life parliamentarian.
President Macron, who urged to make the changes “as soon as possible”, seeks to present France as a champion of women rights worldwide.
A final text is expected for March. An evangelical bioethics group laments the lack of effective efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
The city council in southern Spain launches a comprehensive municipal maternity and life support programme.
Less than one in four abortions were reported as a matter of “serious risk to life or health of the pregnant woman or risk of severe foetal abnormalities”.
Thousands of people took the streets for the right to life. As in the years before, counter-protests tried to block the March For Life.
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