A report warns about regions in Spain where educational protocols restrict parental rights and push minors into gender transition without medical advice.
God teaches us in His Word that we should be thankful. Start being thankful to you parents and to honour them right now..
Letting the next generation step up.
The type of family that has grown the most is that made up of a single parent with one or more children.
We are people of faith, we prayed and trusted in God for the best outcome; but whether you have a faith or not, sometimes taking a risk, taking a chance, can pay off.
It is not all about me, what I can do, sometimes it is about standing back and watching, amazed, at what God does, and giving thanks to Him.
Together, we can help people who journey with children with additional needs to find the trusting friendships and community that they often so badly need.
Many of us have something that we started during lockdown four years ago… mine was to start ‘The Dads’ Fire Circle’, a place for Dads (or Dad figures) of children of any age who have additional needs, to gather.
The Evangelical Alliance encouraged believers to “vote according with their conscience and as the Lord leads them” but its director Nick Park said marriage should not be equated in the Constitution to any durable relationship.
In the House of Lords, the bill is criticised as an attack on freedom of speech, religious freedom and parenting. “It would make illegal expressing some of the profoundest beliefs”.
Meanwhile, Christian families take the street to demand the withdrawal of free textbooks that “make statements on sexual issues totally inappropriate for minors”.
In neither country is surrogacy regulated by law, but the Dutch and Swedish governments support “altruistic surrogacy”.
Kristie Higgs encouraged people to challenge the government’s plans to introduce relationships and sex education to children in primary schools.
Nothing is as worthy of our commitment as our family.
It is crucial to be sure that God is not just The Father in Heaven, or even Jesus’ Father in Heaven, but Our Father in heaven.
The Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain analyses the challenges and achievements of evangelical churches in 2022.
Conscientious objectors will not be excluded from decisions on whether an abortion can be performed on the grounds of illlness. Surrogacy is defined as “reproductive violence against women”.
The nature of God’s character should flow into our ministry, which will then characterise our connection with the church.
Doubts inside the government delay the final approval of the law as opposition in all sectors of society grows.
The Dutch Bible Society releases a study on the meaning, reading habits and impact of the Bible in the Netherlands.
At the end of your earthly life, if you have left the mark of God's presence on other people's lives, you will have been a success.
The return to the new school year can be a time of great anxiety and stress for all children, and a challenging and difficult time for parents and carers too.
Everyone over 16 may change their legal gender via a civil officer. Court would decide on minors under 16 without parental consent. A citizen campaign warns about the dangers of the law.
Ten Christian schools were examined to see if they are affected by religious elements. The goverment proposed to ban new denominational schools, but many associations reject it.
After a popular consultation on the new ‘Code of Families’, Cubans will vote the final text in a referendum in July. Evangelicals have criticised several parts of the draft law.
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