Scientists from Imperial College London and Berkeley University warn that “the risk of a second wave happening if all precautions are abandoned is very real”.
Churches across the country remember those who died in special worship services with a “message of hope in resurrection and eternal life”.
Is the present pandemic simply God’s judgment to punish evil? Or does it, on the other hand, have nothing to do with God, because He can only show love?
What should happen as restrictions are loosened and as impatience for normality grows? Can Christians continue to promote both freedom and responsibility?
God hasn’t abandoned His broken project. He hasn’t left us in our brokenness. He has actually joined us in our suffering.
“Collins has demonstrated how religious faith can motivate rigorous scientific research”, the John Templeton Foundation has said. Francis Collins: “The person of Jesus emerged as the most profound truth-teller I had ever encountered”.
“This is an attempt to offer an holistic view of how Christian practice and the coronavirus are connected”, says Jason Mandryk, the author of Operation World.
His story can change our story, because our story only makes sense when we understand His.
Thomas Mann takes us to the strange beauty of a misty Venice and the devastation brought on by a cholera epidemic in 1911.
The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading suffering around the world – but it can also teach precious lessons to individuals, churches, and nations.
Fear of the coronavirus has also come to the Moria refugee camp in Lesbos (Greece), prompting several Christian organizations to take steps to protect the nearly 20,000 people crowded into the camp.
Both authors wrote the books at the end of March. “Christians are able to feel peace, even in an uncertain world”, says Lennox. Piper wants to “provide a God centred place to stand in such fragile times”.
An evangelical doctor working in Spain with Covid-19 patients shares his experience. “I am not a hero, I know I can get the virus and die. But I am sure that whatever happens, the Lord is with me”.
Italian pastors across many denominations continue to praise the Lord’s faithfulness in historically unifying them in prayer.
The National Council of Evangelicals of France supports “the current restrictions for reasons of public health”. “In this crisis, we keep our hope in God intact, and seek to share it”.
More than 40 million people used Bible reading apps and websites, sharing around 15 million verses on Easter Sunday.
May this crisis make you ponder life and death, and what is truly valuable.
The proposal of two French doctors to use Africa to test coronavirus vaccines has sparked controversy. “It is not compatible with the biblical criteria of human dignity”, French evangelicals say.
In her first-ever Easter message, Queen Elizabeth II shared the Christian hope amid the coronavirus crisis.
Like many believers, Philip Roth feels bewildered at the relationship that the Bible establishes between plagues and God’s judgement. But can we apply this to epidemics nowadays?
We need to learn to look for where God is at work quietly and behind the scenes. What might God bring out of all of this?
“The Holy Week in Lockdown” is a devotional series following the Gospel of John from chapter 12 to 20. It has been developed by the World Evangelical Alliance.
Marcos Zapata, President of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, explains what he learned as he was infected with Covid-19. “In the midst of this crisis, our churches can be light and bless our community”.
We should be able to transform the time of waiting into a time of hope and patience. Then we will discover that God can change our adversities into opportunities.
Suddenly we have all realised our common vulnerability. Never in human history has our common fate been shown to be so interlinked.
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