Seek to speak from God’s heart to theirs: sensitively, passionately, directly, and clearly.
A real pedagogue, he did not write for the scholars, although they admired him, but for common believers who want to think their faith.
We are not free to maximise our own pleasure and happiness at the expense of others; such thinking comes not from Genesis 1 but Genesis 3 – it arose from the Fall. Much of the resistance to the reform of capitalism comes from a faulty anthropology.
Mercy is more than offering forgiveness, it includes loving-kindness, pity for those who are suffering and being gracious.
Evangelical organisations call for action to preserve biodiversity in the statement ‘Faith Call to Action for the UN Summit on Biodiversity’.
A tiny, rare phosphine molecule does not appear to be sufficiently solid evidence to support such an important hypothesis as the existence of life on Venus.
Covid-19 might just be an extraordinary interruption that we can attend to, manifesting, as Jesus did, that the rule of God’s love has come on earth as it is heaven.
Large-scale use of algorithms has the potential to cause severe harm to individuals and communities. Lessons from the 2020 public examination results fiasco in the UK.
The Spanish psychologist Lidia Martín published a book written during the months of Covid-19 confinement to help readers prepare for what could be “a long and complex situation”.
The perspectives of Christian leaders from Peru, Argentina, Spain.
Evangelical ministries and churches help providing for basic necessities, cleaning churches and rebuilding houses.“Pray that the church in Lebanon will be light amid the destruction”.
Practical considerations for building trust in partnerships.
However safe and self-sufficient we felt, a virus has reminded us of the fragility of life and has brought us face to face with death.
A group of experts on AI of the European Evangelical Alliance respond to the EU consultation on its White Paper on Artificial Intelligence.
It’s one thing to know what to protest against. It’s another to know what vision for society, for our nation, for the world, to champion.
‘Out’ is Disney Pixar’s first film with a homosexual couple in the main role. Margunn S. Dahle, a researcher in media, children and worldviews, gives answers to questions that many parents may ask.
Refugee Sunday will be on 21 June. In a new document about the refugee crisis, European evangelicals call “to pray, consider your country’s response and speak up”.
It is crucial to understand that the Roma are not homogenous but are different minority groups dispersed over numerous countries and continents.
An interview with psychiatrist Pablo Martinez. “Farewell is the natural gateway to mourning”, he says. “Being deprived of this option is an obstacle that complicates the subsequent process”.
The document by Spanish Christian psychologists was first translated into English, and now into Russian, Slovak, and other languages. “We want it to continue spreading for good, either for this crisis or for any future crisis”.
“This is an attempt to offer an holistic view of how Christian practice and the coronavirus are connected”, says Jason Mandryk, the author of Operation World.
Kay Carter, Director of communications at Tyndale House, analyses how Christian scholars can engage with society to communicate the message of the gospel.
The coronavirus crisis in Europe is “driving a public debate about privacy, ethics and public health, and what measures are appropriate (or not) to protect it”, says Patricia Shaw of the Homo Responsibilis Initiative.
We should be able to transform the time of waiting into a time of hope and patience. Then we will discover that God can change our adversities into opportunities.
Jonathan Ebsworth of the TechHuman initiative warns that some technologies being used in Europe are “approaching a level of quasi-omniscience that no human enterprise ought to have”.
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