May we preach so that our listeners walk away pondering the character, the heart, the goodness, the grace of God.
This section aims to suggest areas in which we may ask questions about the life of a biographical subject, and some mistakes to avoid in the study of lives. By Jacob Dunn.
We have become used to letting others, ourselves, and even God down.
What are your reasons to be anxious or worried today? Identify them and make a translation: turn them into prayer requests.
The Refugee Highway Partnership and the WEA encourage churches to “highlight the plight of refugees, pray for and with them and consider unique role churches can play”.
Martin Luther’s famous 95 Theses Against Indulgences was originally a written list academic conversation starters. His questions and statements were like a string of tweets ahead of their time. They were dismissed by the authorities as errant, dangerous and divisive.
The peace of Christ is not primarily tranquillity, but security, it is not characterized by the absence of danger, but by the presence of Christ in the turbulence of the waterfall, it is not so much an emotion as a position.
Participants from all over the world “received encouragement and inspiration through specialized training, mentoring and networking”, say the organisers of the European Leadership Forum.
I would like to suggest that in the area of ecclesiology, Spanish Protestantism had the most biblical, and therefore the most catholic, vision of any group of the Reformation.
Law professor Javier Martínez Torrón has coordinated the book “Covid-19 and religious freedom”, which compares how governments like Spain, United Kingdom, Italy or the United States, related to faith groups during the pandemic.
Evangelicals may be approaching a time when we are ostracised and where we need to have confidence in what we believe and what the Bible teaches because we will not receive endorsement for those beliefs from the world around us.
It is on the cross that the character of Christ reaches its greatest splendour. During the hours of deepest darkness, his words shine like radiant gold.
Archaeologists discovered the scrolls in the Judean Desert. They also found the world's oldest fully intact basket, a 6,000-year-old mummified child and a cache of rare coins.
A multimedia project shares the gospel through short films that tell the testimony of people in all 52 Spanish provinces whose lives where restored by Jesus.
True comfort, the comfort that reaches the heart, cannot be separated from the person and work of Jesus Christ.
“Parents should ensure that the education of their children is in compliance with their religious and philosophical convictions”, says the EU Commission spokesperson for education, Sonya Gospodinova.
The museum takes back around 5,000 manuscripts to Egypt and over 8,000 ancient clay objects to Iraq. Since its opening in 2017, it has been accused of several controversial acquisitions.
A document was recently published with the presentations and contributions of hundreds of participants in the Family and Leadership inquiry, organized by the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.
An evangelistic association has been sharing Christian content through paid adverts since the 70s, but some parties now say religious content offends users of public transport.
Being in Christ and letting ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit is the way to be filled with joy.
The film is based upon Fellowship for Performing Arts’ one man stage play that tells the British author’s journey from atheism to Christianity.
Europe and other regions in the world are trying to control the power of large companies such as Amazon, Google or Alibaba. But there is no agreement about what the rules should be, says expert Jonathan Ebsworth.
All his contradictions are no more than the expression of a philosophy centred in freedom of choice – and choices may vary according to circumstances or historical moments.
Global gateway cities and the opportunity for mission. An article by Charles Rijnhart.
“We want to do justice to the religious background of army personnel”, the head of the army chaplaincy says. Swiss free churches describe the agreement as “historic”.
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