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How does a typical evangelical family in France look like?

A survey concludes that 9 in 10 attend their church’s worship service every week. 63% of respondents do volunteer work and 40% identify with right-wing parties.

FUENTES Association of Protestant Families , CNEF AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus PARIS 13 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2021 09:18 h
Photo: [link]Viktor Solomonik[/link], Unsplash CC0.

The Association of Protestant Families in France has surveyed 636 families in the country to create a profile of how a typical evangelical family looks like.

Published in November, the conclusions show that most evangelical families are formed by married people (90%) with children.

46% of evangelical families live in cities, 30% in the periphery of a city and 23% in rural areas.

The professional areas in which more evangelical Christians work, according to this survey, are the sectors of: religion, health, public administration, education, social action, and banking or insurances.

 [photo_footer]  Political preference in the survey of autumn 2021. / Association of Protestant Families  [/photo_footer]

Asked about their political preferences, 40% said they identify with right-wing parties, 22% with centre parties and 18% with left-wing or green parties.

Seven in ten of those who have children send them to state-owned schools. 52% are somewhat optimistic about the future of their children, and 29% somewhat pessimistic.


Participation in the life of the church

More than 9 in 10 attend a worship service every week and 8 in 10 would describe their church as “evangelical”.

According to the survey, in this pandemic context, 58% attend their church’s gatherings in person, and 33% depending on the situation decide if they go to the gathering or join church online.

63% of respondents said they are engaged in some kind of voluntary work (in social projects, in the neighbourhood, in politics, with the church…).


Fundamental freedoms

Asked about ethical views, the survey shows that 78% evangelical families are very worried or somewhat worried about the decreasing freedom to express their values and faith in France’s society. The same percentage of respondents say they are worried about freedom of conscience in the country.

[photo_footer]  Ethical issues in the survey of autumn 2021. / Association of Protestant Families  [/photo_footer] 

69% is very concerned or somewhat concerned about the respect of the freedom of worship in France.



Finally, the survey of the Association of Protestant Families asked about bioethical issues, in the context of the recently approved French Bioethics Law.

A clear majority of 95% of respondents reject surrogacy arrangements (when a woman carries and delivers a baby for someone else).

Another 92% is against liberalising abortion more. 88% are against giving free access to euthanasia.

The development of Artificial Intelligence is seen favourably by 29% of the surveyed, but 61% are more negative about these new technologies.

Download the full results of the survey of the Association of Protestant Families here.




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