In Europe, we have become used to the arrival of asylum seekers and refugees, most notably when some 2 million people fleeing the conflicts in Syria and Afghanistan. Yet the Ukraine migration crisis has been different.
After 36 years of pastoring churches in Turkey, Carlos Madrigal was labelled a threat to national order and is no longer allowed to enter the country. He and his wife Rosa share lessons to be learned about Christian work in non-Western countries.
A report shows that forced labour and forced marriage have risen significantly in the last five years, specially among women and children.
There have been around 8,750 crossings in August alone. The situation worsened since Home Secretary announced plans to deport migrants to Rwanda.
During the last couple of decades around 300 churches have been planted here by people from a non-Swedish culture or nationality, mostly – but not exclusively – in larger cities.
Christians agree that “suicide should not be seen as a normal form of dying in society”. A new law is expected before the end of 2022.
The Bible says God used a thorny bush which burned without being burnt up to manifest himself to Moses, as no human being could look at the Almighty directly.
Operation Transit returns this summer to deliver thousands of Bibles and Christian materials to people crossing the borders to North Africa.
For the first time, less than half of Germans belong to one of the two mainstream churches.
Zazpi Jausi “facilitates after-school sports practice” for dozens of children from vulnerable backgrounds. “It is an instrument of blessing”, say its founders
A study by the Observatory for Religious Pluralism found that almost half of respondents, all from religious minorities, were discriminated against at work because of their beliefs.
An exhibition in the Spanish city of Ourense shows the difficulties evangelicals had in the 19th and 20th centuries to share their ideas in freedom.
Shibboleth describes the cultural markers which separate “Us” from “Them”. How do the missionally-minded navigate this landscape of shibboleths?
A model for diaspora hospitality ministry from the peoples church of Toronto. An article by Nestor Abdon.
The challenge for the peoples of Europe today is to find the balance between protecting borders and open borders.
The EU said that migration along the West African Atlantic route to the Canary Island is increasing, with “at least 73 boat accidents killing 1,109 migrants” in 2021.
Government officials have begun proceedings to close another Protestant church. Sixteen churches have been closed in the past four years.
Luxembourg, Germany and Switzerland plan to legalise its recreational use soon. Italy will hold a public referendum, while Spanish and Portuguese political parties are deciding their positions.
A Pew Research survey finds that a large majority of Americans believes in the existence of hell. Only four in ten Catholics and Protestants believe the Christian faith is the only way.
The law is expected to be passed in the next weeks. Evangelical churches express their total opposition.
“Those who are already stuck on either side of the border must receive urgent and adequate humanitarian aid”, says the evangelical body as it appeals to “Europe's Judaeo-Christian values of human dignity, justice, compassion and solidarity”.
Public theology informs the faith community when moving beyond personal discipleship and church life into the public square.
The vitality of migrant faith does not represent the de-Christianisation of Europe but the de-Europeanisation of European Christianity.
In the Bible displacement and death are presented as sinister co-conspirators against the human experience. An article by Brent Hamoud.
Over 200 people has died in the floods that specially hit Germany and Belgium. Protestant leaders call to pray and expressed gratitude for those who are helping.
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