The proposal to establish a regional Evangelical Alliance in Kaliningrad was well received and work has begun on formalizing the structures.
Alesio Sema in Albania and Giacomo Ciccone in Italy address the issue of migration from an evangelical perspective.
The Rheinland Protestant Church, with 2.2 million members, opts for “less rules and more freedom”. Baptisms and weddings can now be organised outside official buildings.
For some time now, the political right in Germany has been using the term ‘remigration’ to seek a ethnic cleansing in the country. These views cannot be justified from a gospel perspective.
While the political actors involved welcome the agreement, evangelical organisations take a critical look at the details of the pact.
The Lisbon Project has supported over 3500 migrants and refugees arriving in Portugal. All its activities are designed to be a place where people feel they belong.
Research looks at how the young in France see secularism. People between 18 and 30 are more tolerant of religious symbols in public.
The European Refugee Highway Partnership team met with ministry and church leaders in Warsaw. The event brought together leaders from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Egypt, and various EU countries.
The Brest Catechism of 1553 was the first book ever printed in Belarus. National and international researchers collaborated on this volume in Belarusian and English.
“If suicide is already a taboo subject, it is even more invisible in the socially vulnerable population”, said organisers of a conference.
A “first of its kind” survey conducted in France shows that evangelicals are more interested in environmental care than the average population.
Evangelical churches in Latin America should practice a perspective of justice in the mission of our church which compels us to step outside the comfort of our buildings.
More than 700 migrants found faith in Jesus through this church's Migrants Centers in recent years. Thirty of them were trained as missionaries here and sent back to 13 countries.
Migration, hospitality and human rights are all issues of biblical concern touching on loving our neighbours.
Justin Welby calls on the government to set 10-year strategies for tackling human trafficking and for an international collaboration to solve the refugee crises.
The emigration of Argentinians to Italy increased lately. The search for opportunities and the missionary call among the reasons to return for Christian families.
Luis Enrique Camarena received the recognition from the government for “being a bridge between the state and the church to foster constructive dialogues that resolve conflicts”.
The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Animals and Plants of the Bible, by biologist and theologian Antonio Cruz, analyses the over 300 animal and plant species mentioned in Scripture.
A group of researchers discovered that certain arborical ant species use surprising algorithms to solve the problem of finding the shortest route.
The award goes in its fourteenth edition to the Seville City Council. The city promotes a touristic route of Protestant history and has named several streets after Evangelical women.
Small children on the boat have either died or disappeared. The boat set out from Turkey and carrying 200 people.
The Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain analyses the challenges and achievements of evangelical churches in 2022.
A survey shows that Roman Catholics decline the most and go to church the least. Over half of Protestants attend church at least once a month.
Highlights are the fight against human trafficking and the efforts to integrate victims in the labour market. Spain is among the European countries with highest levels of prostitution.
The uncertain times for European society call for a rapid shift in our collective perception from its reactionary mode.
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