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Poland hosts gathering of Christian refugee initiatives

The European Refugee Highway Partnership team met with ministry and church leaders in Warsaw. The event brought together leaders from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Egypt, and various EU countries.

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus WARSAW 01 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2023 09:10 h
Introducing the 2024 Refugee Highway Partnership Europe gathering of 2024, in Warsaw. / Photo: [link]RHP Europe[/link].

The Refugee Highway Partnership (RHP), a network of churches, individuals and organization who are engaged with refugees and migrants throughout Europe, will be holding their 2024 Roundtable event in February in Warsaw (Poland).

In preparation for this event the European leadership team held a meeting with ministry and church leaders in Warsaw on 22 November, which brought together over 40 local leaders from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Egypt, and various EU countries.

The gathering was hosted by Life Church in Warsaw and the program included an introduction to the RHP as well as an invitation for collaboration.


Poland’s key role in welcoming refugees

The Polish church rose to the occasion two years ago when millions of Ukrainians came looking for safety and peace. Those in attendance are engaged in dignity building activity such as: schools, refugee centers where community is developed, trauma care, humanitarian aid, and discipleship.

The RHP chose Warsaw this year to highlight the ministry of the local church and offer mutual encouragement and support between the RHP European wide network and the local leaders.

[photo_footer] Refugee Highway Partnership Europe gathering in Warsaw, 22 November 2023. / Photo: RHP Europe. [/photo_footer] 

Testimonies, worskshops, networking

The Roundtable in 2024 will focus on the hope of the Gospel to bring restoration and wholeness (see website with detailed information).

The main sessions will be led by, Usha Reifsnider, who is the co-regional director for Lausanne Europe. “The RHP is thrilled to be able to sit under her teaching as she sets our Biblical framework for our time together”, said the organisers. “In line with this emphasis on wholeness the importance of integration and the flourishing of the migrant church will also be highlighted in the evening program as well as in the workshops”.

One of the days, the annual RHP gathering will focus on the Polish and Ukrainian church, through testimonies, workshops in Polish or Ukranian, and “prayer together culminating in sharing communion with one another”.

The organisers are inviting “to come and support the critical ministry happening in Poland and around Europe”. A scholarship fund has been set up, to “make it possible for key leaders to attend, teach and train from their invaluable personal experience of displacement as well as the gifts God has given them”.

The RHP Roundtable will take place in Warsaw from February 22-25, 2024. Learn more and register here.


  [title] About RHP [/title]




The RHP has been “connecting, equipping and mobilizing the church throughout Europe for over 20 years and will continue to do so in the name of Jesus for each sojourner searching for safety and peace here in Europe and around the globe”.







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