The bill could be approved after the summer. A state agency would actively promote LGBT ideology in schools, workplaces, sport events and media. Anyone accused of discrimination will have to prove their innocence.
LREM party, along with its MoDem allies won 350 of the 577 seats in the Parliament. Only 43% of voters cast their ballots, a record abstention.
Users can call, text and use data at the same price they pay at home. “It is one of our greatest and most tangible successes”, the EU says in a statement.
Gerardo Amarilla, Uruguayan MP and former President of the parliament, was one of the first evangelical Christians in his country in such a high political position. He speaks about the challenges and opportunities for Christians in politics.
The French President’s party and ally MoDem take 32,3% of vote in first round. Abstention was at a record high, with a low turnout of 48.7% .
Theresa May’s short victory is seen as a defeat, but she promises to form 'a government of certainty' with the help of DUP. High turnout: 7 in 10 voted. Reactions of Christians.
“Belief-based intolerance and discrimination of refugees is a pan-European problem”, Christian organisations said during a hearing at the European Parliament.
The Romanian Parliament has approved an initiative, supported by three million people, to constitutionally define family as based on marriage between a man and a woman.
The EAUK welcomes the opportunity for a social debate. Prime Minister Theresa May’s decision aims to strenghten the current government’s position ahead of the Brexit negotiations, analysts believe.
“We pray for those caught in fear today”, says the Evangelical Alliance UK after the London attack. Archbishop Justin Welby calls to pray for “all those grieving loved ones.”
Eight arrests have been made in raids following the attack. 29 have been injured near Westminster.
Slovakian MEP Branislav Škripek, Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein, and former prime minister of Ethiopia Tamrat Layne, spoke about how faith in God has shaped their lives.
Nadia Murad and Lamiya Aji Bashar survived Daesh slavery. “There remain more than 3,500 child and women held hostage as slaves under Daesh. Every day they die a thousand times”, they told MEPs.
The Freedom Party’s candidate, Norbert Hofer, lost for more than 300,000 votes.
MEPs criticise the alarming lack of freedoms after the failed coup attempt in July. Christians in the country denounce growing pressure on churches.
Election in Crimea is questioned by many states. Only 47% of population voted. Evangelical Christians suffer under anti-evangelism law.
A report launched by the EU Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or Belief analyses the restrictions in 53 countries. “Human rights should not be a hobby, they should be a core task for a diplomat.”
Juncker speaks at EU Parliament plenary session in Brussels. Verhofstadt: “Negativism is the most shocking thing of what has happened in Britain, not the choice of the people.”
“If you want to get rid of your neighbor, you find a way to accuse them of blasphemy, using an ordinary insult as evidence”, a lawyer says.
Sir Fred Catherwood: “Patriotism gives to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. But in the end nationalism wants total allegiance, because it is more than politics. It is religion.”
The European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) welcomes the appointment. President Juncker announced that the former Education commissioner Jan Figel’ will take on a one year mandate.
Government says it continues with plans to welcome Syrian children “by 2020.” Christian voices had called to take action now.
Whatever happens in June, Britain will still be part of Europe; we are not voting for the English Channel to become an ocean.
Sunday trading hours will remain the same at present after MPs voted by 317 votes to 286, to dismiss the proposal. Religious leaders were against it too.
Enda Kenny falls far short of votes to remain Prime Minister as the rest of the parties unable to agree on new coalition .
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