An evangelical pastor in Aleppo analyses the “very critical” situation in Syria. “Pray for us, our sufferings became so great”. The UN says at least 5,800 people died due to the earthquake.
The emerging evangelical movement was one of the most active driving forces in mobilising Spanish society against slavery in Cuba and Puerto Rico.
As we head towards another Christmas, let’s be sure to ponder the wonder of that first Christmas and the daily wonder of a God who moved toward us.
The agreement on the appointment of bishops will be extended two years. “The price to be paid is immense because the Catholic Church renounces to its independence”.
Over 200 Romanian entrepreneurs gathered to reflect on how Biblical principles can be integrated into business, and to share common challenges.
The YouVersion Bible app annual report stresses that “Ukrainian-language Bible engagement skyrocket in several European countries many by triple digits”.
There are opportunities for churches as they welcome Ukrainians into their midst, many of whom come from evangelical backgrounds.
Experts, activists and NGO representatives from across Europe gathered for the first time in 3 years for European Freedom Network’s in-person conference in October.
God is the One who has created everything, the only One deserving all praise and glory.
After 36 years of pastoring churches in Turkey, Carlos Madrigal was labelled a threat to national order and is no longer allowed to enter the country. He and his wife Rosa share lessons to be learned about Christian work in non-Western countries.
Stop abus aims to “make our churches more welcoming and safer”, says the CNEF. Evangelicals had already released a guide of good practices to fight sexual abuse.
The project, offered by the Evangelical Council to show the impact of Reformed faith in theSpanish city, received full support from the authorities.
Contextualization among the tribal people in Northern Luzon, Philippines. An article by Julie Ma.
As the September general election approaches, the President of the Italian Evangelical Alliance warns that “some evangelicals are easily ‘pulled by the jacket’ in politics”.
Siblings can really benefit from extra support but sometimes feel like they are not entitled to it because they are not the sibling with additional needs.
Church leaders and rights activists cite forced conversion as the biggest challenge for vulnerable minority communities of Pakistan.
Matti Korhonen and Pasi Turunen know their country well and have some doubts about the real happiness of their neighbours.
The Russian military seized a group of 10 Orphan’s Promise volunteers and refugees. Three remained detained and other is in the hospital.
Many registered Cuban Protestant institutions did not remain silent, at the expense of various reprisals, such as losing their legal status.
The Christian brothers have been in jail since 2014, accused of creating a blog with blasphemous material, after “a shoddy investigation and evidence”, said the lawyers.
Deuteronomy never lets us settle for an outward conformity. In relationship with God the core issue must be the heart.
The Baptist Union of Spain has been in Ukraine monitoring the delivery of humanitarian aid. Amid the need and pain, “the churches there are experiencing a revival”, says Daniel Banyuls.
The Philippines faces a polarised election that could lead to the return of the Marcos family to government. Evangelicals have been very vocal in their political stance.
Since the conflict began, Israel has received over 1,500 Jews from Ukraine, where around 43,000 Jews live.
The Christian life is not covered by a one-day seminar, it is a lifelong journey of preparation for eternity to come.
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