The series ‘House of David’, which follows the development of the biblical character from his youth to become Israel's most famous king, will be available from 27 February.
Let’s not reduce Old Testament narratives to illustrations or children’s talks, but preach them as well as we can.
The exclusion of God from our lives inevitably leads to an escalation of violence, as James writes in his New Testament letter.
The arm of the Lord is a symbol of might and power that the nations should fear, and yet a symbol of tender strength that God’s people should trust.
If Isaac had additional needs or disabilities, what does that say to us today?
What is the giant that is mocking you at the moment? Who is the 'Goliath' who makes you take a step backwards?
One emphasis Millard made in his talks is that archaeology provides valuable information that can be used to deepen our knowledge of the Bible.
The three-part series is a Turkish-American production. It blends dramatic reenactments with insights from theologians and historians. “What really drew us in was the mystery of Moses’ inner life, his struggles with his own identity, his self-doubt”, the creators say.
House of David followes the fall of Saul and the rise of David in a story about love, politics and war, the producers say.
The contrast of the Old Testament’s Cherem wars with the Quran’s ideology of Jihad is striking. This will help understand the current debate in Sweden – and elsewhere.
‘His Only Son’, now screening in Europe after winning over audiences in the US, depicts one of the iconic scenes of the Old Testament. We spoke to the director, David Helling.
The film, which is landing in European cinemas, connects a controversial story in the Old Testament to the good news of the gospel message.
The project, which involves people from different evangelical churches in the northwest of Spain, is the first step towards having a complete Bible translation in Galician.
Noah and Matteo were the most chosen for new-borns in 2022. In Berlin, the number one was Mohammed.
The discovery, made by an international team of US and Iraqi archaeologists, includes eight marble slabs with Assyrian figures carved on them.
Whatever may be going on around us, Psalm 107 suggests what should be happening inside us.
Sixty theologians participated in the biennial conference of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians held in Prague.
By not sculpting the rest of the face, I want people to focus on the mouth where the Message (God’s Word) comes out.
The Bible says God used a thorny bush which burned without being burnt up to manifest himself to Moses, as no human being could look at the Almighty directly.
The last time I preached the whole Bible in a single message, what text proved pivotal? It came from Leviticus.
Its fruit is green and about the size of an apple, and it is pleasant to look at, but when it is ripe it bursts, scattering its feather-like seeds which are then carried by the wind.
Every Psalm points to God’s character, which is an excellent focus for your heart.
In a post-Christendom state, the biblical vision still has power to shape ideas and motivate action.
There are 24 known species. However, in the Holy Land there are only two: bread wheat, a rare variety as it only grows in Shefela and in the mountains of Judea; and wild emmer wheat, abundant throughout the country.
Free evangelicals are the Christian group who says they know the commandments in Exodus and Deuteronomy best (57%), a survey finds.
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