This fruit is mentioned in Leviticus in relation to the feast of the Tabernacles and it actually refers to the citron tree.
This could be one of the greatest discoveries of biblical archaeology in modern times.
Let all of our interactions with children and young people with additional needs be honouring to them.
Horseflies are similar to flies, but larger in size, with a thick body. The females have a complex buccal apparatus, with sharp, hard elements capable of piercing the skin in order to feed on their blood.
The Hebrew word zera, which means “seed”, both vegetal and animal, was translated into Greek as sperma, meaning “that which has been sown”.
What Old Testament prophets would say if they travelled through time and visited our churches today? What would they say to preachers?
It has very large green leaves, scattered throughout the plant, with a rib system that resembles the fingers of the human hand. That is how it got the name “Palma Christi”.
After other predators have consumed the soft parts of their prey, the bonebreakers arrive to feast on the skeleton. They are capable of swallowing and digesting 20 cm long pieces of bone.
There has been a growing awareness of the need for a journal that could serve Spanish-speaking regions, such as Latin America, Spain, and Equatorial Guinea.
Britten’s direct inspiration was the regal music called Zadok the Priest and the text is based on the opening chapter of I Kings, verses 39 & 40.
In Genesis the first six days of creation can be divided into two groups of three days through which God overcomes the “formless” and “void”.
A biblical case for employing those with disabilities.
God controls everything so that some day we will know that it was all for our good.
Normally bears avoid contact with humans but, if they are disturbed, or hungry, or robbed of their cubs, they are extremely dangerous (Isaiah 11:7; Amos 5:19; 2 Samuel 17:8; Prov. 17:12; 28:15; Hosea 13:8).
Some of the ethical concerns for Christians surrounding NRTs may not be wholly dissimilar to those faced by Abraham and Sarah.
The mulberry tree appears in 2 Samuel 5:23-24 and 1 Chronicles 14:14-15.
Why have artists and writers, from Albert Dürer in 1504 to John Milton, in his 17th century narrative poem “Paradise Lost” insisted so strongly on the “apple of discord”?
Perhaps you feel that, of all God’s people in this continent, you are the most like Jonah at this time. You should know better, but you’ve drifted too far. God could simply give up on us, but he doesn’t.
In Israel there were four different wild species of mint: horse mint, polo mint, mastrtanto and mentha aquatica.
Melons were grown in Egypt during the third millennium before Christ. The fruit can have either a spherical or elliptical appearance and its weight ranges from 400 grammes to 20 kg, though it rarely exceeds 5 kg.
Consistently choosing to obey God in the small things prepares us to choose his way in the vital decisions of life.
The Spanish Bible Society launches a new version of the most widely read Bible in Spanish, “with an agile text but keeping the legacy of the original Bear Bible”.
Reflections on the problem of evil and the might of God.
Little has changed in 3,000 years: telling people they’re behaving badly and need to change is never popular.
Can we stand before jealousy? Moses’ conduct in this story gives us four pointers which will help us.
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