About 250 people attended the IFED conference in Padova. Tim Challies addressed the interaction of the Gospel and new communication technologies. ‘Evangelical Focus’ was one of the media projects presented.
In the last 15 days of August alone, 3,220 arrived in the Canary Islands from Africa risking their lives in small boats. Noemi Mena, an expert on migration, believes there are no solutions without solidarity between regions and long-term planning.
Advertising accounts for only 20% of our annual budget. We are looking for kingdom-minded partners who want to see ‘Evangelical Focus’ thrive.
Trans World Radio features daily one-hour live broadcasts with testimonies of Christian athletes to “convey a message of hope to Arabic-speaking audiences”.
“Spiritual beliefs and feelings cannot be disregarded as irrelevant”, says the Spanish Evangelical Alliance in a document on the government's new Democratic Regeneration Plan.
“We believe the sports activities will provide unparalleled circumstances for evangelism across many cultures”, said Cécile Chan-Janiaud, TWR Director for Digital Media Ministry in Europe .
Charlie Catlett, an experienced computer scientist who explains Artificial Intelligence to non-experts, speaks to Evangelical Focus. “Chatbots are non-persons, and you shouldn’t be having a personal relationship with a non-person”.
Why do people assume that the freedom of speech and of religion will persist when those asserting their power are committed to a different morality?
I don’t want to condemn the church in the 1930s without acknowledging how easily cowed the church in the 2020s might prove to be.
Society may be conditioned to support an approved narrative, but we are called to be men and women of truth.
This is third medal of the German athlete. Before the competition, she quoted Proverbs 3:5-6 on her social media.
Gospel-rich media is sowing seeds in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a place where faith and ethnic identity are delicately intertwined.
TWR broadcasts more than 12 hours of programming a week in the Hausa language from its 150,000-watt Oasis Transmitter.
After their documentary ‘Lume’, Sara Pesquera and Lidia Rodilla have launched a podcast that continues to explore the revolutionary history of Spanish Protestantism.
The battle for the Truth is “the good fight”, the one worth fighting for to the end, the race par excellence.
The public image of Spain is damaged by the lack of response to the discrimination of pastors without a pension, explains the secretary general of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.
The work of Pedro Tarquis and Pablo Martínez as founders of Spanish news website Protestante Digital was awarded in Madrid.
TWR MOTION is working with a team of believers in Thailand to create a 20-episode series of animated Bible stories for a Buddhist audience.
Türkiye is closely linked to the historical narrative of Christianity, yet today less than one percent of Turks identify as Christian.
Director Joel Forster recounts the ins and outs of the past nine years in an episode of the Lausanne Movement’s “God on the Move” podcast.
David Fincher's film showed us the reality of life in a broken world, where we can neither be known, nor fully forgiven. Only supernatural work will do that.
Both the European Commission and the Parliament are addressing the problem of hate crimes. But without a clear definition of what “hate” is, we will not solve the problem, writes Arie de Pater of the European Evangelical Alliance in Brussels.
For many of the Hazara people, radio and the internet are their only access to the good news.
The issue has gone unnoticed in Nigeria, “perhaps because of the patronage Joshua enjoyed among senior government officials, politicians and celebrities”.
Christian leaders from five countries describe alcohol consumption in their society and how churches view it: “Moderate consumption is unproblematic for most evangelicals”.
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