sábado, 29 de marzo de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital


But isn’t advertising enough to keep ‘Evangelical Focus’ going?

Advertising accounts for only 20% of our annual budget. We are looking for kingdom-minded partners who want to see ‘Evangelical Focus’ thrive.

EDITORIAL AUTOR 7/Joel_Forster 29 DE AGOSTO DE 2024 13:41 h
Do you know the team behind Evangelical Focus? A screenshot of our site.

If you follow Evangelical Focus regularly, you have probably seen that in the last few months we want our readers to have the chance to join us in becoming sustainable in the next years.

In these 9 years, we have loved to put the spotlight on initiatives of all kinds of local churches, Christian organisations, evangelical grassroots movements, small projects... Europe surely has a fascinating ecosystem of kingdom-minded people and groups. We love to share what they dream and achieve.

But we also want to be honest about our own challanges, and put our own dreams into words.

Do you know the people behind Evangelical Focus? Do you know about our story, which starts in Spain, and how we are able to get ahead?

Check out this site to get to know us a bit more.

How could you make Evangelical Focus stronger? If you want a quick answer, here it is: become a patron (10 euros per month or whatever amount you want) or give once.

But maybe you have more questions, and today we want to answer the following two.

Is the advertising revenue from Google and sponsors not enough?

Advertising and sponsorships are one of the active sources of income in our projects. In 2021 we carried out an extensive improvement of the banners system.

However, experience has shown us that this income is not enough to cover the costs. In fact, advertising accounts for approximately 20% of our annual budget.

Moreover, we apply a careful advertising policy: we do not advertise content that could go against our Christian principles and values (if you find an advert that contradicts this, please let us know!)

And we want to make sure at all times that advertisements on Evangelical Focus are not uncomfortable or invasive, giving priority to readers being able to receive the message in a clean and coherent way.


Why not implementing a subscription payment system?

Most of the media are putting up “pay walls” which require the reader to pay to access their content.

At Evangelical Focus we decided in 2015 to offer everything we produce for free. And we have seen many, many of our contents used in local contexts, translated into other languages, quoted, and shared widely.  

We want to reach everyone, and this includes non-Christians. You can’t put the lamp under the bed to light the room: our hope is to keep all our content accessible and shareable without hindrance.

Get our daily or weekly newsletters.


Take action

So, would you like to support the work of Evangelical Focus? Become a monthly supporter (patron) here, or give a one-off donation. And if you have questions, just send us an email here: office@evangelicalfocus.com

As a journalistic project based in Europe, we’re ready to jump into the next opportunities. We would love to have you join us!

Joel Forster, director of Evangelical Focus.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).





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