As we head towards another Christmas, let’s be sure to ponder the wonder of that first Christmas and the daily wonder of a God who moved toward us.
Dave Patty, Founder of Josiah Venture, talks about 5 teaching methods Jesus used in the Sermon on the Mount.
Keep your relationship with Jesus right at the centre of your priorities: that is the foundation for all Christian leadership.
Art can help us unwrap the riches of Scripture. Our world was created by the greatest of Artists, after all.
A survey interviewed 25,000 teenagers in 26 countries. “It’s rare that teens think poorly of Jesus. The global impression of Jesus is that he is trustworthy, generous, wise, peaceful”, the authors say.
In the midst of a Europe dying of scepticism and shrinking back in fear and pain, there is still room for hope, and that hope is brought by the children of God.
Spanish preacher and author Itiel Arroyo: “There is passion wasted in Netflix marathons, playing video games... But God created us for something more transcendent than that”.
Ecclesiastes mirrors, in my view, a general feeling of people in our contemporary Western world. Life is meaningless, says the ordinary human being.
The recently released State of Theology survey states that “Americans often aren’t sure how to balance hot-button cultural issues with theological beliefs”.
We need to go back to the most triumphant place in the universe: the cross of Christ.
A local Baptist pastor: “We support families with supermarket cards, food, rental subsides and fuel vouchers”. Rebuilding roads in the island is a priority as 500 people continue to stay in hotels.
Being around Christians and using Christian language is not enough. Without a vital personal relationship with Christ, they are merely running on the fumes of Christianity.
The book of Philemon reminds us that the Gospel speaks of how we can be saved and how we can navigate the messy complexity of human relationships.
“After the covid, people needed to share their faith outside the walls of the churches”, say organisers. Around 500 gospels and 500 Bibles were given to passers-by.
The Talking Jesus report shows that non-Christians like Christians but not the church. It analyses how people come to faith and the conversations about Jesus between Christians and unbelievers.
The Talking Jesus research analyses “the evangelism landscape in the UK today”. 42% say they are non-practising Christians and 16% identify as agnostics or atheists.
The ongoing impact of Jesus’ explosion of life continues to reverberate in this world of death.
The presence of borders invites us into a multi-tribal fellowship in which we can share whatever God has given us.
The Bible speaks many times about friendship. The central theme of the story is the salvation that God offers to every man and woman.
God's justice is always perfect. In His actions and in His timing there is no doubt about the righteousness of God.
There are probably people in our churches today who have a personal history with Jesus we don’t know about.
Let’s not claim to proclaim the whole counsel of God while refusing to address injustice or any other issue that might be labeled “political”.
For numerous Protestant churches, gospel content through radio may well be one of the few reliable sources of responding to questions and nurturing local believers.
We absolutely should be loving our neighbour, but it is important to think through what that really means.
The 3-hour online class “will consider some simple biblical insights to help us grow spiritually in a straightforward, practical, and Jesus-focused way”.
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