Some believe that “Europe cannot afford to dismiss energy sources” with low CO₂ emissions, but others warn that the decision of the European Union “is all about information for the capital markets”.
In Glasgow, it was so encouraging to see Christian young people across the world and especially in the UK taking this up and making their voices heard.
Anything that takes your mind off God destroys you.
Missiologist Jim Memory analyses the main trends in church and society. He will be one of the speakers at this week’s Lausanne Europe 20/21 gathering.
Miguel Wickham analyses the COP26 development, the challenges in addressing climate change, and the role of Christians.
The things for which we are grateful, are a helpful reminder to us in those darker moments that things can and are positive too.
We talk to Christian scientist Fernando Forgioni about the challenges of COP26. He hopes it will promote real measures to curb the climate change.
WEA Advocacy Officer Wissam al-Saliby, talks with Chris Elisara, Director of the Creation Care Taskforce at the WEA, about the evangelical role at the upcoming COP26.
Christians have a dual responsibility to steward the planet and to love our neighbour. An article by Hannah Eves.
The upcoming election might confirm a move towards progressive policies in areas such as education and abortion. The country’s Christian Democratic Party fights for its survival.
Miguel Wickham analyses the IPCC climate experts' report, which warns of serious consequences for habitability if temperatures continue to rise as a result of human action.
There were over 210,800 abortions. The abortion rate for women aged under 18 decreased but has increased for those over 35.
The ammendment to the PCSC Bill was withdrawn after being debated in the Parliament. “UK politicians should be backing moves to lower the legal limit for abortion, not raise it”, says Christian organisation.
With more than 140 years of history, the hospital will keep the evangelical values that underpin its identity, committed to the integral care of people.
“Jesus calls us to live and reflect the Kingdom of God here on earth, working for the protection of all creatures without fatalism or desertion”, says the declaration.
The Bible only divides birds into two groups: clean and unclean.
A palliative care doctor analyses the recently approved Spanish euthanasia law and its consequences in the final stages of life. “Closing our life properly is the way to die well”, she says.
The positives of James having the jab are clear. The negatives, while short lived, have nevertheless been significant for him.
With no visitors allowed, we found ourselves ‘being church’, filling the gap where other clergy from the community were unable to visit their church members. By Katie McClure.
As Christians, how can we respond to this generational conflict over the state of our planet? By David Snoswell.
Lament, communities of care and the new normal. An article by Gladys K. Mwiti.
Let us not forget the future hope and comfort that enabling people to die well will bring.
“No one should wish to die due to lack of palliative care”, Spanish health workers say, while they denounce their “defencelessness”.
The Parliament passes the law with a majority of 198 votes. Dozens protested outside. Spain becomes the fourth European country and the sixth in the world to approve euthanasia.
The manual emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and encourages Christians to trust God and “be witnesses of Jesus in these times”.
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