“We reject any declaration that does not respect the historic doctrines of our institution”, they say. Other denominations are also expected to leave.
The Bible is unique. God took it upon Himself to teach the world that His Word is not just another book.
When many evangelicals remained indifferent to the social demands of the Gospel, Sider founded Evangelicals for Social Action.
The goal of the project is to offer quality, biblical content to Portuguese youth as young as 12 years old, with humor and the use of cartoons.
It is not about me but Him. It is not about my responsible effort but my response to Him. Spending time with the lover of our souls is no chore but a privilege..
Thousands of Germans travel to the island on their holidays. Over 160 Christians from Germany and Switzerland share the gospel with them, along with local believers.
We can so easily think it is enough to hear, to read, to know, to understand, even to believe … but Jesus said that we need to actually do what He says.
The Bible says God used a thorny bush which burned without being burnt up to manifest himself to Moses, as no human being could look at the Almighty directly.
Some reformers talked of the Book of Words (the Bible) and the Book of Works (creation), both of which were to be explored to reveal more of God’s glory..
The last time I preached the whole Bible in a single message, what text proved pivotal? It came from Leviticus.
Archaeologists of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found 1,600-year-old mosaics with the images of Deborah and Jael in an ancient synagogue in Israel.
The United Bible Societies reported that there has been an increase of 5.5%.although distribution challenges “are still high”, due to the pandemic.
Every Psalm points to God’s character, which is an excellent focus for your heart.
As a church, we talk to all because they are loved by God and try to lead them to the faith in Jesus. But we also claim our right to form life from the Holy Scriptures.
Operation Transit returns this summer to deliver thousands of Bibles and Christian materials to people crossing the borders to North Africa.
Intercultural discipleship is achieved when we shift from accommodation to involvement, tolerance to empathy, and co-existence to commonness. An article by Sherman Lau.
Christian rockers went to ‘Hellfest’ to offer visitors the Metal Bible with testimonies of Christian rock stars.
The ministry of hospitality brings comfort, peace and hope to the heart, mind and soul of those who have been uprooted.
The missionary vision of William Fetler led to starting the first Bible School in Riga. You can see this vision woven into the architecture of the fully renovated old building.
Deuteronomy never lets us settle for an outward conformity. In relationship with God the core issue must be the heart.
The Rome Scholars and Leaders Network held its fifth edition. It is unique for its disciplinary focus in Roman Catholicism and the quality of its program.
Being around Christians and using Christian language is not enough. Without a vital personal relationship with Christ, they are merely running on the fumes of Christianity.
The new headquarters of the entity is in Madrid. “We want you to see this place as the home of all who love the Bible”, said the general director.
Worship album with “lyrics derived from the Scriptures” is released to “express gratitude, concerns and prayers related to the creation God has entrusted to us”.
All of us have an outstanding talent scout. Someone who was able to give all he had in this world, even His own life, because of His love for us.
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