What is our mission task in a Europe which is paradoxically the continent most shaped by the Bible and by the rejection of the Bible?
More than 140 preachers from different evangelical denominations encouraged each other to preach from the Word of God to today's culture. Chris Wright, Mark Meynell and Alex Chiang participated.
The discovery, made by an international team of US and Iraqi archaeologists, includes eight marble slabs with Assyrian figures carved on them.
Preaching is about exegesis and communication,pastoral care, leadership and discipleship, but it should be preeminently about prayer.
After 36 years of pastoring churches in Turkey, Carlos Madrigal was labelled a threat to national order and is no longer allowed to enter the country. He and his wife Rosa share lessons to be learned about Christian work in non-Western countries.
The Greater Love Declaration upholds “a classic, orthodox Christian teaching on marriage, sex and identity”. “We will not surrender the ‘Greater Love’ of Jesus”, signatories say.
Carlos Martínez celebrates 40 years on stage and analyses his career. ‘Silence must be part of our communication inside and outside the church’.
Art can help us unwrap the riches of Scripture. Our world was created by the greatest of Artists, after all.
A survey interviewed 25,000 teenagers in 26 countries. “It’s rare that teens think poorly of Jesus. The global impression of Jesus is that he is trustworthy, generous, wise, peaceful”, the authors say.
Spanish preacher and author Itiel Arroyo: “There is passion wasted in Netflix marathons, playing video games... But God created us for something more transcendent than that”.
Ecclesiastes mirrors, in my view, a general feeling of people in our contemporary Western world. Life is meaningless, says the ordinary human being.
Whatever may be going on around us, Psalm 107 suggests what should be happening inside us.
Don't let anyone take your inheritance from you by doubting God's Word. Jesus is preparing a permanent place for us.
We must have a more God-given, global and eternal perspective so that what we preach stretches and challenges the small, me-focused world of our listeners.
The recently released State of Theology survey states that “Americans often aren’t sure how to balance hot-button cultural issues with theological beliefs”.
A summit gathered Ukrainians who have taken on a key spiritual role and Swiss representatives of churches who offer spiritual ministries for Ukrainians.
The Dutch Bible Society releases a study on the meaning, reading habits and impact of the Bible in the Netherlands.
Sixty theologians participated in the biennial conference of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians held in Prague.
The highlights of the memorial service at Westminster Abbey were the readings of the Bible, the hymns sung by the choir, and the Christ-centered message of Archbishop Justin Welby.
Businessman Rubén García addresses the fast growth of the technology sector, the challenges of the current economic situation, and the importance of support among Christian business leaders.
Pastor, writer, Scripture Union missionary and promoter of the Bible presentation method Godly Play, David Pritchard's greatest passion was bringing Jesus to children.
Kees de Kort, a Dutch painter and illustrator, was known for over 300 colorful illustrations bringing to life both the Old and New Testament.
God is a good communicator. That conviction is critical for effective preaching, but so many build a preaching ministry without this conviction in place.
The British diver got 10m platform gold medal. She had previously won 3 medals at the Commonwealth Games, quoting the Bible after her victories.
Perhaps we would do better to be astonished by the profound crop of the good soil instead of trying to count every sprout as part of the harvest.
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