About 1,400 children and teenagers (with parents and youth leaders) asked the Swiss government to readmit nine Christian youth organisations that have been expelled from the national “Youth + Sport” programme.
The Bible gives us some very interesting insight into the minds of those who have committed a serious crime.
The bill could be approved after the summer. A state agency would actively promote LGBT ideology in schools, workplaces, sport events and media. Anyone accused of discrimination will have to prove their innocence.
LREM party, along with its MoDem allies won 350 of the 577 seats in the Parliament. Only 43% of voters cast their ballots, a record abstention.
They are ruminating animals, capable of running more than one hundred kilometres a day without eating or drinking anything. Hence they were trained in Arabia in the 13th century before Christ, as the basis of what has come to be known as the "camel civilisations".
As Paul says, people ought to regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God (1 Corinthians 4:1).
Users can call, text and use data at the same price they pay at home. “It is one of our greatest and most tangible successes”, the EU says in a statement.
Gerardo Amarilla, Uruguayan MP and former President of the parliament, was one of the first evangelical Christians in his country in such a high political position. He speaks about the challenges and opportunities for Christians in politics.
The French President’s party and ally MoDem take 32,3% of vote in first round. Abstention was at a record high, with a low turnout of 48.7% .
Being so ugly, bald and having a taste for dead meat, they tend not to be seen as the most charismatic of animals. Nevertheless, they have certain features which make them unique.
Theresa May’s short victory is seen as a defeat, but she promises to form 'a government of certainty' with the help of DUP. High turnout: 7 in 10 voted. Reactions of Christians.
“Belief-based intolerance and discrimination of refugees is a pan-European problem”, Christian organisations said during a hearing at the European Parliament.
The U2 singer talks about the Psalms in the Bible, music and life in a Fuller seminary video series. Artists “please God being brutally honest”, he says.
Are we prepared to simplify our lives for the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord?
The Romanian Parliament has approved an initiative, supported by three million people, to constitutionally define family as based on marriage between a man and a woman.
The New Testament writers tell us that God’s honour is not something so fragile that it needs to be protected by legal restrictions.
Donald Trump is the President of the most powerful country in the world; and no doubt before entering into office he thought that all he had to do was give the orders and they would be carried out.
The heavenly hope was, for Peter, no “pie in the sky when we die” – it was a real and life defining certain expectation.
Compassion should always be our over-riding motivation, and we should always offer people a way out of their situation; otherwise our words are only condemnation.
The EAUK welcomes the opportunity for a social debate. Prime Minister Theresa May’s decision aims to strenghten the current government’s position ahead of the Brexit negotiations, analysts believe.
The Old Testament links the health of the body with the health of the soul.
Joseph could have become a spoiled success, an adolescent who dreams of power, receives power, and remains adolescent.
Who are the people who have made a positive difference to our lives along the way? And have we remembered them?
For a long time, archaeologists doubted the historicity of Solomon and the horses which, according to the Bible, he possessed, as at that time supposedly only camels were used.
A defence of the Spirit's personhood from the Old Testament.
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