sábado, 1 de marzo de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez

Follow me

God has promised to guide us in the way we should follow.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 25 DE MARZO DE 2018 09:00 h
Hakeem Olajuwon. / Wikimedia Commons.

One of the best centres in the world is the Nigerian HAKEEM OLAJUWON.

The NBA's top rebounder and one of the best defensive players, he receives critical acclaim year after year. Hakeem was born in Nigeria and started out playing basketball.

One day he went to America where he was completely unknown in the sporting world; four years later he was number one in the draft selection.

When he arrived at the airport in New York, he got into a taxi and told the driver, "Take me to the University of Houston". Hakeem knew where he was going...but he had no idea that Houston was about two thousand miles away!

One of the most important things in life is to know where you are going. Often we know what we want to achieve, but we aren't quite so sure of how to go about it.

Sometimes we know the word of God well; we may have spent years listening to sermons, praying and attending church, but we aren't sure what God expects of us.

It's easier to know the will of God for the world than for our own lives in particular.

We start out with much in our favour, but sometimes we misuse our advantages. God is certainly with us, and he wants us to have abundant, meaningful lives (John 10:10).

God has also promised to guide us in the way we should follow. As if that weren't enough, we can talk with him in person, at any time, in any place!

If we still have doubts about our lives, God has given us the best map to guide us on our way: a very special map that talks to us, knows us well and explains the history of the world! This map is the Bible, the word of God.

If you still feel unsure in spite of having the map, knowing the way and talking with the Guide, don't worry! God has left signposts along the road so you won't get lost: circumstances, situations, difficulties, problems, joy...

God doesn't leave any loose ends. He counsels us through our brothers and sisters in Christ so that we won't lose our way. Do you know God's will for your life? Do you know what to do with your studies, work, emotional life, church relationships, etc.?

If you still have doubts after reading this, let me give you a bit of concrete advice: pray to God and ask him to control ALL your circumstances.

Ask God to "make your path straight" and fix all your mistakes; ask him to open and close the doors of opportunity. Never grow tired of talking with God; that's the secret.




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