A visible unity would make our voice more effective and credible? This is not so obvious as it might seem at first sight.
The training of imams, the foreign influence on Germany's mosques, and the role of Islamic theology in universities, were some of the topics discussed at the German Islam Conference.
The apartment he lives in is replete with Marian images. The rooms where he officially meets with people are furnished with portraits of Mary. His own daily clothes carry objects associated with Mary.
Breaking free from the lens of white culture in global mission.
The media frequently relate the theory of a flat Earth to “fundamentalist Christianity”. Scientists Antoine Bret and Antonio Cruz explain the lack of credibility of a theory that has no scientific or theological support.
Embracing a theology of ‘unity in diversity’.
To believe or not to believe, that is not the question. The question, instead, is: what to believe?
How did this young boy growing up in Kalispell, Montana make such an impact on the world that celebrities like Bono sought out his friendship and counsel?
PMI Director Zaza Lima analyses the refugee crisis from a biblical perspective. “We run the risk of having a theology of consumption, which avoids pain”.
Key Anglican leaders in the UK call for a “better relationship” with the global evangelical movement Gafcon.
The sexual abuse crisis has been on the table in a dramatically growing way since the years of Benedict XVI. The problem is systemic and pervasive.
Nicholas Okoh, Chairman of Gafcon, urges to handle disagreement between Anglicans with “theological integrity” that “minimises the hurt and distress that has been all too evident”.
Children have vivid imaginations. When you read them a story, they can see it happening.
Nearly 70 participants involved in theological research and training discussed the topic of “Christian identity and mission in a divided Europe”.
A book review of Hans Boersma’s two volumes on the topic.
At first glance, it is difficult to understand the success of preachers of the prosperity gospel. Here, we present five reasons.
Twenty-seven evangelical scholars gathered for an intensive in-depth training week, to have “a more accurate and clear understanding of Roman Catholicism”.
The purpose of the world is a grand but also a personal question.
Rome can be very softand adaptable in many respects, but the Eucharist is the core of its “Roman” identity and so it is strictly safeguarded.
Jesús Caramés, Rector of the Spanish Faculty of Theology of the Assemblies of God talks about the theological education in Spain.
The narrative is straightforward. They are the victims. They have been damaged by ‘conservative theology’ and they are going to change us evangelicals so that we accept their position.
The ceremony was attended by local and regional authorities. The President of the Andalusian Parliament highlighted the advances that the Reformation brought to the society.
The moves could see the Confession being removed, replaced or changed in as little as 5 years - a significant development for the minority group of evangelicals who remain in Scotland’s national Kirk.
Rationalism and its corresponding Protestant theology, Higher Criticism (or Historical Criticism), have created a theological and spiritual desert condemning European Protestantism to complete irrelevance.
The Forum of Young Christian Entrepreneurs gathered 500 people in its second edition. Mgliwè Simdinatome leads a movement to equip young Christians as they start their first business projects.
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