The biblical work ethics clashes with a system that, according to the International Labour Organization, “experiences a lack of material well-being, economic security, equal opportunities or scope for human development”.
The Leipzing Debate in five simple steps.
Photos of the Lausanne Movement Global Workplace Forum, celebrated in Manila.
Almost 900 people from 110 countries attended the Global Workplace Forum. The Lausanne Movement dreams about a “great movement of God through believers in their workplace”.
850 from 108 countries met for the Global Workplace Forum, June 25-29. The gathering was organised by the Lausanne Movement. “Every workplace is a place of ministry”.
Participants from Europe, United States, Australia and Latin America attended the fourth edition of the Rome Scholars and Leaders Network. It “equips evangelical leaders to understand Roman Catholic theology and practice”.
Evangelical theology needs to pursue a realistic reading of the Fathers under the supreme authority of Scripture and at the service of the cause of the gospel.
Methodist Evangelicals Together responded by calling for the biblical definition of marriage to be maintained. The report will be presented at the Methodist Conference in June.
A survey among members of the EKD mainline church confirms the advance of theological liberalism.
Christian student groups participate in environmental initiatives. “We cannot remain insensitive to the problems we know we are causing [...] it is necessary to discover the essential verdure of the Christian faith”.
Nicaea can’t bring people together because Evangelicals and Catholics have developed different dogmas and practices in their histories in all key areas of the Christian faith.
“The marketplace is the perfect place to build community and to show people who Jesus is, as well as having a positive social and economic impact”, says Mark Plummer.
We judge our experiences in the light of the Bible, not the other way around. That is the difference between evangelical faith and mysticism.
The flagship theological schools of the Pentecostal Union and the Baptist Union in Moscow have been banned from admitting students.
Surveys show that integrity is highly sought after in many workplaces but few can confidently define it.
“Moving away from God’s pattern for family life is not an option for evangelical Christians”, the European Evangelical Alliance says.
“The disappearance of many species of insects could possibly be the beginning of the disappearance of our own species”, PhD in Biology Antonio Cruz, says.
We are tempted to make our vocations a salvation project; to justify our souls with grand deeds.
Christ's view of sexuality was the same as that of the Old Testament.
“The summit has not given signs that the Roman Church will become transparent and honest about its sins and shortcomings”, says Leonardo De Chirico, Vatican expert and evangelical pastor in Rome.
God has given a certain dignity to work, making it something that we cannot live without. However, if we look to our work to find meaning in life, we will end up with an empty heart.
The Swiss-Spanish artist and Evangelical Focus author speaks about how he relates work and faith.
Stefan Gustavsson, Director of Apologia Centre for Christian Apologetics, explains and defends the claim that God is coming back to judge every human being.
The conflict between God and Satan is not a fight between two powers with equal chances of winning.
Present-day Roman Catholic Mariology is still framed in an emotional setting that makes it hardly reformable according to the Word of God.
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