The AEE presented a renewed image and its projects in the areas of youth, solidarity, media and creation care, among others.
“Despite the pain of that death, it was not a senseless death. We were able to bear witness of the faith that Alfonso had in Jesus”, recalls the pastor of the church he attended in the Basque Country.
New Testament writers desired believers like us to be at home with eschatology, owning it for our lives, so that it doesn’t feel strange or scary.
The series ‘House of David’, which follows the development of the biblical character from his youth to become Israel's most famous king, will be available from 27 February.
Should we Christians just stay in our little church and family bubbles, resigned and passive, and wait for Christ to come? The view of a lecturer in Belgrade.
Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia and doctor of philosophy, has surprisingly recounted in his blog how, when and why he made the decision to follow Jesus.
Several Christian entrepreneurs in Spain have recently been recognised for their exemplary work.
Among evangelicals, 17% say they experienced some kind of religious discrimination. Daniela Baumann of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance analyses the latest official data.
The social media influencer with 745,000 followers on Instagram speaks about her journey from a new age lifestyle to finding salvation in Jesus.
There is a loss of comfort: the town is not what it used to be. There is indignation with the politicians. But there are also the unresolved questions: Why am I alive and others are not? Why did I lose only my car while others lost their homes and businesses?
On 21 January 1525, the first adult baptisms took place in Zurich, initiating a spiritual movement that continues to this day. We talked to Mexican expert Carlos Martínez García about its history, principles and legacy.
At a private gathering with religious leaders, the president encouraged them to promote French-style 'laicité' and spoke about hot issues like his plans on euthanasia and the State's dialogue with Muslims.
Why did the angels play such a central role in the birth of Jesus? Some answers according to the Bible.
We had no electricity, no phone network, not much else we could do. My daughter suggested reading a Psalm and praying for those neighbours who we eventually learned were rescued.
The granddaughter of a Protestant teacher, shot by Franco’s army when she was 8 months pregnant, received the award at the Democratic memory day event.
God does not act on whims or take things lightly. There is a very deliberate effort to vividly and indelibly impress His true calling upon the church.
Youth With A Mission and the National Council of Evangelicals of France organise this initiative during the four days of the city traditional festival.
The Racing Club of Argentina beat Cruzeiro of Brazil. “God gives me strength, encouragement and peace”, says the defender.
“It is the result of the Roman Catholic Church covering up sexual scandals”, a study says. There were also almost 40,000 resignations among Reformed Protestants.
There is no lack of mission-related passages in the New Testament; far from it. These are particular passages that provide a significant emphasis.
By adapting our communication to meet the needs and communication styles of those we know, we can enter more fully into their world.
Let’s not reduce Old Testament narratives to illustrations or children’s talks, but preach them as well as we can.
At least 213 people have died and dozens have disappeared in various towns in the regions of Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalusia.
Christians protested against an anti-discrimination law that would restrict the freedoms of churches and individuals to live out their faith.
“In this sad time, it gives me great joy that the church is showing how God's love tastes”, says a pastor in Jeseník, one of the towns most affected in the Czech Republic.
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