A new narrative will be required as missionaries return to the new ‘normal’; narratives that define the shape of God’s mission in Europe.
A Pew Research Center survey shows that “people in emerging economies tend to be more religious and to say that belief in God is necessary to be moral”.
A survey shows that 57% of evangelicals often do notfreely express their opinions.
A research of Christian think tank Theos, also shows that Londoners are “more conservative and civically engaged”, and “26% feel marginalised because of their beliefs”
“Churches were shut, but many have never been busier”, said the United Kingdom Evangelical Alliance as the findings of the survey ‘Changing church: Responding to the coronavirus crisis’ were presented.
According to a CID Gallup survey, 44% of Salvadorans identify as evangelical, and 38% as Catholic. “In just one generation, the Catholic Church has lost 17% of its members”.
The evangelical platform Community in a Crisis calls church members from across Europe to respond to questions that will help “learn lessons from lockdown that will shape the future of the church”.
“Unemployment remains a reality in several EU nations”, a study of Pew Research says, which relates it to pessimism in future expectations.
The National Council of Evangelicals of France collected the data of 580 churches. 8 in 10 congregations have used video conferences and other online tools during the Covid-19 lockdown.
A Pew Research survey shows that 24% of adults say their faith has grown stronger, only 2% say it has become weaker.
A survey shows that women have more existential questions than men, while Protestants and Catholics are the ones who think more about the meaning of life.
Overall, only 57% of Europeans see religious freedom as a “very important” right, much behind fair judiciary (87%), gender equality (85%), free internet (69%) and others.
A survey shows that 61% agrees. Only people under 30 and Muslims say businesses should be open on Sundays.
A Pew Research survey also shows that 55% of US adults surveyed believe “churches and religious organizations do more good than harm in American society”.
An official survey shows that evangelicals are now 15.3% of the population. It is the faith group with the highest church attendance.
A survey of Spanish Christian organization Decision shows that more than 160 evangelical leaders are concerned about the lack of evangelization vision and training of the churches.
Only infidelity has not suffered a change in attitudes compared to 30 years ago, shows research conducted by King’s College London on a range of issues.
A BBVA Foundation report shows how the citizens of 5 European countries see their political situation, the role of the State, the EU, the media, and challenges such as migration and climate change.
A report of the ‘Observatory of Laicité’ says the right to express one’s beliefs in public is protected by “internal and international laws”. Evangelicals are the faith group with the highest percentage of practicing believers.
Evangelicals are the only ones who have experienced a relative growth. There are 50,000 more than last year, the ISMU survey says.
According to a Pew Research survey, “52 countries impose high levels of restrictions on religion, up from 40 in 2007”. Social hostilities have grown even more.
Only 2 in 10 Spaniards are practicing Catholics, according to official statistics. Half of young people identify as either Atheists, Agnostics or indifferent.
According to a report, US citizens aged 18-34 who say they are comfortable with LGBT issues dropped from 53% to 45%.
Several universities has launched the study ‘Understanding Unbelief’.“Atheists and agnostics endorse the realities of objective moral values at similar rates to the general populations”.
According to a ComRes survey, only 46% of those who identify with the Christian faith believe in the Easter message. The poll also quizzed people on their views around forgiveness.
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