“Nones” represent 23.1% of the population, evangelicals 22,8%, and Catholics 23%. “Those of no religious faith will be the largest group in America in the next five years”.
“Christian history is often just a cultural decoration”, says German theologian Evi Rodemann in response to a Pew Research survey which confirms the rapid decline of Protestantism.
According to a survey conducted in the United Kingdom, the perfect Sunday “consists of waking up at 8:30 am to the smell of breakfast, a cuddle and three hours of television”.
For the first time in the history of the country where the Reformation began, there are more Catholics than Protestants.
A YouGov survey shows that “substantial portions of Western respondents” believe Islam is incompatible with society.
A response to the Pew Research Center’s 2018 report, Being Christian in Europe.
Germans value honesty, readiness to help and kindness, according to the magazine.
A Pew Research report shows that Christian affiliation has declined in Western Europe, while substantial shares in Central and Eastern Europe believe in God and have greater religious commitment.
A survey commissioned by the Coalition for Family shows that 13% back including incest in a legal definition of marriage.
The number of Britons who identify as Church of England has halved in fifteen years. Only 2% of those aged 18-24 identify with it.
According to a LifeWay Research survey, 46% of churchgoers prefer to attend a church where people share their political views.
The EKD reports that it lost 390,000 members in 2017, more than the Catholic church, which lost around 268,000. Both blame the decrease on Germany’s demographics.
Half of the respondents in the UK had a positive experience of Christians. The survey coincides with the launch of Faitheism, a book by Krish Kandiah.
The European Commission launched the Online Citizens’ Consultation on May 9th. It is “addressed to all Europeans, asking them what direction they want the European Union to take in the future”.
According to a new Pew Research survey, 80% of Americans believe in God, but only 56% say they believe in the God of the Bible.
“In 20 or 30 years’ time, mainstream churches will be smaller, but the few people left will be highly committed”, says British social of religion professor Stephen Bullivant.
Pew Research report shows that 84% of US Catholics have a positive view of the pope, but a growing share of them believe he is ‘too liberal’ and ‘naïve’.
Eight in ten say parents should have access to the content of Relationships and Sex Education classes before it is taught in schools. “The role of the state should be limited”, the EAUK says.
There is a decline in the number of adults in the US who believe the biblical Christmas story. Many say it does not matter if they are greeted with “merry Christmas” or “happy holidays”.
The use of these devices at an early age “causes lack of interaction and impairs the healthy development of their senses”, pediatricians around the world are saying.
Two thirds of converted evangelical Christians are former Roman Catholics. A survey asks about social engagement, secularism and euthanasia.
The “British Social Attitudes” survey shows that 53% of the British describe themselves as ‘non-religious’. The decline in religious affiliation is hitting the Church of England particularly hard.
Free evangelicals are the Christian group showing strongest support for presence of faith in the political sphere.
Honesty is the most important ministry quality for Millennials, who are optimistic about their giving, self-motivated, and expect ministries to show the love of Jesus.
Believers born after 1981 are less supportive of the Republican Party and partially believe homosexuality should be accepted in society, says a survey.
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