The most important thing is not what we can get, but who we are.
Sometimes we mistakenly believe that those who trust in God will not suffer any wrong.
God speaks to us about preparing to win souls, to be true life-savers.
Envy is the best friend of pride.
We forget that life quickly passes b
Athletes in Action film “Struggle and Triumph” shows how the faith of Olympians Lauryn Williams, Daniel Dias, Li Yan and Wilson Kipsang helps them to overcome the struggles and find their true identity in Christ.
The entire Bible speaks against despising another person for any reason.
Anything that takes your mind off God destroys you.
Having received everything from God, our earthly as well as eternal life, we respond with disobedient stubbornness.
God is our Father, so we can't allow ourselves to be struck down by meaningless things.
The gospel is one beggar telling another where to find food.
The German manager of Liverpool FC: “To be a believer, but not to want to talk about it - I do not know how it would work!”
Pray and thank God that you own a Bible; millions of people throughout the world aren't so fortunate.
God's omnipotence and goodness are shown in the way bad things can be made into good.
It's not enough to hear the message; you have to act on it.
A response to the Pew Research Center’s 2018 report, Being Christian in Europe.
He pays well; He always gives much more than we deserve.
Hundreds of evil activities are on the rise. Don't get involved.
How do you solve your problems?
Each one will carry his own guilt before God; we won't be able to blame anyone else. What will you do then?
God wants us to fill our place in life, whatever it may be, and do our job well.
“My children want to play sports, but that means not being able to go to church on many Sundays”. What should we do?
The day will come when there will be no confusion about the future.
You may renounce many things, but never give up the truth. Only truth can set you free.
Our dignity as people doen’t depend on the opinion of others, or how things are going.
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