To be a disciple of Jesus asks much of us, but we cannot fully describe how much we receive in the process.
How many times have we tried to fill our emptiness by trying to fulfil a “ghost mission”?
The Gospel is not a self-starting life-change program, it is good news that involves us introducing listeners to God in Christ.
In a world of people trying to find themselves, make themselves, and often, fake themselves, we have a God who is not holding back on speaking his blessing over us.
Ecclesiastes mirrors, in my view, a general feeling of people in our contemporary Western world. Life is meaningless, says the ordinary human being.
What happens when the storms of life come? Will we keep on trusting in ourselves? Will we still think we are right?
Deuteronomy never lets us settle for an outward conformity. In relationship with God the core issue must be the heart.
In the Spanish city of Zaragoza, national and international speakers addressed the trends in Europe around the question of human identity.
As Christians in today’s culture, we need to have an awareness of the competing gods of digital Babylon. If we actively serve the gods of Europe, we may in the end find ourselves not worshiping the God of the Universe.
Let’s not allow the artificial and temporary newness, to take our focus away from the wonder of all that is new for us in Christ.
Jesus message of selflessness, putting others first, serving others, loving others, is counter-cultural in today’s society.
Spanish evangelical psychologists and teachers gathered to analyse the challenges of new technologies and the latest trends in sex education in schools.
It would be wise to acknowledge what raw individualism takes away from us.
Our grand truth arrives only with a definitive encounter: only when we meet our Creator.
Why is marrying-for-love so obvious to us today? There are of course many historical factors. But I wonder whether one of the most important ones isn’t a letter written many years ago.
The gospel we nod to today is something like: believe in yourself. Be authentic. Be you. You’re beautiful. Fulfill your dream.
Beginning in the USA and expanding then to Europe, we witness the rise of a rampant individualism where “my rights” are the primary interest.
Apparently, we all agree that the value of a person doesn’t depend as much from their doing as from their being. But, what does the world understand by being?
“We need a realistic, grounded sense of self that is not pre-occupied with maintaining its own importance, but serving a purpose bigger than ‘me’”, says Psychiatrist Glynn Harrison, author of ‘The Big Ego Trip’.
Len Bias, No 1 in the draft, signed up for the Boston Celtics but died because of a drug overdose. He had just signed one of the most expensive contracts in memory.
My greatest struggle is not my neighbor, coworker or family member. My greatest struggle isn’t even Satan. My greatest struggle is myself.
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