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Protestante Digital


Preach Christ

The Gospel is not a self-starting life-change program, it is good news that involves us introducing listeners to God in Christ.  

BIBLICAL PREACHING AUTOR 108/Peter_Mead 11 DE ABRIL DE 2024 10:18 h
Photo: [link]Caleb Woods[/link], Unsplash CC0.

How about making a prayerful determination to preach Christ, rather than the tempting alternatives?

Here are some tempting alternatives that are worth dumping in favour of Christ:

1. Don’t preach issues

It is tempting to be contemporary and to buy into the idea that what people really value above all else is contemporary relevance.  Of course the Bible is relevant and Christ is relevant, but that doesn’t mean your preaching should be salted with relevance like meat in a medieval barrel.  

Some preachers are so concerned about being up-to-date that they lose sight of what they have to offer those sitting before them.  Relevance is important, but it is not the primary and central goal in preaching.


2. Don’t preach tips

Of course God’s way is the best way and lives gripped by the Gospel tend to work a whole lot better than lives lived according to the values of the world.  And yes, the Bible does include a lot of insight into living life, both legitimate and moralized.  

But our job is not to be the weekly top tip provider for a people totally absorbed with successful living.  

There should be a huge difference between our preaching and the self-help guru folks may pay a fortune to hear on Friday night.  The gospel will transform lives, but we are not called to be known as life coaches.


3. Don’t preach pressure

With all the best intentions we can easily undermine the work of the Gospel in the lives of those we preach to each week.  That is, we want them to be thriving spiritually and in life.  

We know the damage sin can do.  So we will always be tempted to twist arms and pressure people to conform to an outward Christianity.  It makes church life easier if all messes are hidden and people act appropriately.  

But pressure preaching assumes that listeners can fix themselves and that we can achieve God’s goals without any meaningful involvement from Him.  

There will be moments where we seek to appropriately apply the pressure of God’s Word, but that is not what defines us as true Christian preachers.


4. Don’t preach yourself

Over the years our own flesh has this amazing ability to get used to being the centre of attention.

If you are naive enough to believe the polite comments you receive after preaching are objective evaluations of your ministry significance, then you can easily start to buy into your own hype.  

Please don’t.


5. Do preach Christ

The Gospel is not a self-starting life-change program, it is good news that involves us introducing listeners to God in Christ.  

Don’t preach self-help programs, or church programs, or Christian morality, or even Christianity . . . preach Christ.  

Peter Mead is mentor at Cor Deo and author of several books. He blogs at Biblical Preaching




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