The film tells the stories of three refugees and the friends they met in Hungary, France and Denmark. A set of materials are offered to start honest conversations about the challenges and opportunities of the refugee crisis.
In 2018, the number of migrants trying to reach the country by sea has increased by more than a third.
Many evangelical Christians have worked to serve refugees in the middst of strong social polarisation, says pastor Attila Nyari. “Pray for a renewed fire to reach people with the gospel, regardless of political affiliation”.
Talks to form a government are expected to be long and difficult. Anti-establishment Five Star Movement and far-right Lega are the big winners of the general election.
More than 140 delegates of about 50 organisations met in the Netherlands. Training and resources were offered in specific workshops.
There were “47 migrants from Mali, Guinea Conakry and Ivory Coast” in the raft, a NGO worker said. The arrival of migrants in Melilla has increased 873% .
The country just celebrated its 100th birthday. Finns have been very active in welcoming asylum seekers.
The Refugee Highway Partnership (RHP) roundtable brings together people from across Europe every year. “Christians can guide refugees and help them meet the Prince of Peace and the Real Comforter which is Jesus”.
“Non-Muslim European women are projected to have a total fertility rate of 1.6 children, on average, compared with 2.6 children per Muslim woman in the region”, says a Pew Research study.
So far in 2017, more than 3,000 people have lost their lives trying to reach Europe.
Only 17% of the 160,000 people that the EU pledged to take in have been relocated. Intermon Oxfam has denounced Spain for not fulfilling its quota.
The national election is on September, 24. “Evangelicals have the chance to help re-formulate basic principles of how we can live together peacefully”, says journalist Nicolai Franz.
“We make it clear to asylum seekers who want to convert that furthering their application is not a reason to become a Christian”, a pastor says.
Slovakia and Hungary had challenged the scheme arguing the arrival of asylum seekers is a threat to their societies.
Only 3 people were rescued. The small boat was found four days after it disappeared.
Over 80% of asylum seekers have smartphones. A Trans World Radio app offers over 300 audio programs to “address trauma and other difficulties refugees face in Europe.”
Churches and Christians are called to participate in the Refugee Sunday on June 25. The EEA has joined 18 other NGOs to oppose the current EU discourse on migrations.
“Belief-based intolerance and discrimination of refugees is a pan-European problem”, Christian organisations said during a hearing at the European Parliament.
Evangelical pastor Hector Peñafiel, a welding master, uses his skills to teach his profession and share the gospel with asylum seekers. “They can plan their future now”, he says.
The Refugee Campaign offers prayer materials, advocacy resources and a Sunday service order to pray and engage with refugees on 18 and 25 June.
Friends and church leaders supported the two children of the “exemplary” mother in the funeral. The police talks about a probable “religious motivation” of the Muslim attacker.
Detained asylum seekers enter hunger strike as President Janos Ader is re-elected. Christian expert Paul Sydnor says new measures only result in people “becoming re-traumatized.”
The EEA joins other 160 civil society organisations in demanding “statesmanship that stands up for humanity and dignity and that addresses people’s fears, instead of fuelling them.”
About 160 participants from 28 countries met in Hungary for practical training, resources and networking. It has been the most attended Refugee Highway Partnership Roundtable so far.
Anger and fake news are “poisoning society and making it harder to understand what is really going on”, says EEA Socio-political representative Julia Doxat-Purser.
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