Terry English, of youth ministry Josiah Venture, says discipling young people is “walking alongside them, helping them understand that their faith is about a relationship with Christ”.
Brexit has had a reductionist and therefore dehumanising effect. It encourages us to see people as ‘The Other’.
The book “Evangelicals in the new Era of Communication” addresses fake news, the use of social media, the handling of controversial issues and stereotypes about evangelicals, and the challenges of secular Europe.
Thirty-three nurses participate in the NCFI leaders conference to build up the work amongst them in Europe. “Our identity in Christ is what makes the difference”, a participant says.
Mikael Laursen leads the “FrikirkeNet”, a Danish project of free churches. He explains how they have had every third member of Parliament visiting a church.
Let’s resist being caught up in polarising narratives and instead adopt the Samaritan strategy: see others through God’s eyes.
How can Christians think about decluttering, our values, and our relationship with the things which surround us?
Sensory Processing Disorder can mean that children or adults have under-developed or over-developed senses.
A study shows that evangelical churches give migrants “the opportunity to integrate into the community and establish relationships”. It calls the political authorities to use these opportunities better.
Reach Mallorca organised eight days of public evangelistic events on the beach. Although some people have complaint, “we are grateful to the city and want to contribute”, says director Gernot Elsner.
4 reasons why projects like the new luxurious temple built by the Mormons in Haiti are unhelpful.
If difficulties arise, immature Christians soon disappear, because the last thing they are willing to do is endure difficulties.
The biblical work ethics clashes with a system that, according to the International Labour Organization, “experiences a lack of material well-being, economic security, equal opportunities or scope for human development”.
Adrian Petrice, coordinator of IFES Graduate Impact, talks about the challenges for university graduates who start their work life. “Pray that they will give reason for the hope they have in Jesus”.
An answer by Josef Pavlinak, Director of Integrity Life.
A church in Lugo welcomes families of refugees from Latin America who arrive in the city. “A space of security where the Christian community can be open and inclusive”.
Love is really a quality of relationship, and biblical law shows us what loving relationships look like, in contrast to unjust or abusive ones, across a wide range of settings.
Jesus in an age of secularism, relativism, and tolerance.
Have you stopped to think that maybe you are searching in the wrong direction, even if you are following a religion?
The video platform created in 2005 is by far the most valued social media among young people aged 11-18, a report of Youth For Christ shows.
According to a survey conducted in the United Kingdom, the perfect Sunday “consists of waking up at 8:30 am to the smell of breakfast, a cuddle and three hours of television”.
Here is where it gets interesting: they marry. And have kids. And Tim’s father dies.
“We hope that one day soon our society can learn to accept people's differences and different points of view”, said White Magazine owners.
A survey commissioned by the Coalition for Family shows that 13% back including incest in a legal definition of marriage.
The way we communicate online is changing the political debate in strange ways.
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