Olga is a survivor. The first time she escaped death was before she was even born. She was a Chernobyl baby, later a war refugee.
The whole cosmos scrolls searching for good news. If this is not our good news moment then, pray tell, what do we think that moment will ever look like?
Four members of the evangelical denomination in Siberia and the Far East see their civilian service applications rejected.
We acknowledge that the source of goodness in our lives lies at least partially outside ourselves: other people, nature, and ultimately God.
Whenever we see a Christmas star these dark days, we can be encouraged that the Light of the Gentiles has indeed come.
“God willing, we will approve this tool to ensure that the forests are paid for and protected”, said Marina Silva.
Together with many young Christians, I refused to serve in the Soviet army in 1974. Today, the questions asked by the relevant authorities have not changed much.
About 400 evangelical Christians enjoyed a day of fellowship and music. “Together we can learn more about God”, the Portuguese Bible Union director says.
The smear marathon continues wherever people like me seek a balanced position. How can this avalanche, which harms above all the Ukrainians, be stopped?
Married and with a 4-month-old son, Vyacheslav Reznichenko has been sentenced to two years and six months.
Yury Sipko, who served in the past as head of the Russian Evangelical Baptist Union, has publicly prayed for the end of the invasion in Ukraine and called the war “a crime”. In the past, he criticised the laws restricting religious freedom.
“If suicide is already a taboo subject, it is even more invisible in the socially vulnerable population”, said organisers of a conference.
In September, MAI-Europe organises an event for Christian authors and content creators in the Balkans. Anna Shirochenskaya explains why it is important to strive for excellence in writing.
For Ukrainians, this is more than a minor issue of grammar. It involves the whole reason why Putin launched his misguided ‘special military operation’ in the first place.
The war revealed the importance of the local church responding to crisis. The church is a humanitarian army present in many communities, skilled and equipped as a team for service.
After three days of street evangelism, thousands of people attended the closing event of “Barcelona, Jesus loves you”.
What we had heard about Italy is that there is a great need for the gospel and that there are few resources and few active gospel works. One idea is true, the other is false.
Let’s do all we can to be the difference for every child and young person who chooses to journey with us.
Over 200 students of different ages and backgrounds have already participated in this biblical training programme. An article by Marisa Guardiola.
The president got over 52% of the vote and will lead the county five more years. Christians and other minorities still face restrictions in their freedoms.
Spanish Christian geographer Miguel Wickham analyses the severe drought that is hitting Southern Europe.
Evangelicals in the region mobilise on the ground. “We desire to help our brothers in Christ and be useful for the community”.
Matthias Schöni, director of the Swiss Licht Im Osten, says a new truck with help is already on its way to Ternopil. After the attack, “we have received many food and financial donations”, he says.
France, Spain, Germany and Ukraine are mentioned in the 2023 USCIRF report, which was criticised for its way of addressing the persecution of Christians in Nigeria.
9 May marks the day in 1950 when France and Germany, laid down control of their war industries as a first step towards making war unthinkable.
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