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The great potential of Iberian synergy

Portuguese and Spanish entrepreneurs shared a time of dialogue and joint training at the first such gathering of Christian business people.

FUENTES Protestante Digital AUTOR 16/Daniel_Hofkamp,5/Evangelical_Focus VIGO 13 DE JUNIO DE 2024 16:14 h
Abraham Maldonado, in one of the plenary sessions of the first Iberian LEC-ASPEC meeting held in Vigo. / Marina Acuña, [link]Protestante Digital[/link].

The first meeting of Portuguese and Spanish Christian entrepreneurs took place in May in the Spanish city of Vigo.

This pioneering initiative, organised by the Christian Business Leaders (LEC) from Spain and the Association of Christian Professionals and Entrepreneurs (ASPEC) from Portugal, brought together entrepreneurs who share the bond of faith.

Around 30 entrepreneurs from both countries attended, laying the foundations for what has the potential to become a more fluid collaboration in the future, in view of the good atmosphere not only in the presentations, but also in the discussion and conversation times.

Despite the geographical and even linguistic proximity (Portuguese and Spanish language have many similarities and a common Latin root), Portugal and Spain have not yet developed the full potential of a more intense collaboration in many areas of society.

[photo_footer] The event had training sessions and spaces for dialogue. / Marina Acuña[/photo_footer] 


Common foundations

The writer, communicator and pastor, Hugo Pinto presented the lecture Evangelism through the strategy of Jesus, in which he delved into the challenges and opportunities that Christian entrepreneurs face at the present time.

Using practical examples, the pastor encouraged entrepreneurs to make the gospel not only a message, but a way of life that impacts every area.

Pinto presented tools that are not very common in evangelism and that are also valid for business management, such as empathising with the person you are going to address; and deepening the friendship and relationships that take place in the workplace, a context with opportunities for sharing the faith in Jesus in a natural way.

[photo_footer]  Agostinho Teixeira of ASPEC. / Marina Acuña[/photo_footer] 

Abraham Maldonado, pastor in Malaga and member of the LEC steering committee, spoke about the principles of leadership that come from Jesus, as priest, prophet and king.

“As leaders, first in our home, we have in Jesus the best reference point”, he said.

Maldonado stressed the importance of taking responsibility in every area and especially the home, where the foundations of a truly prosperous life are laid, because “no one can replace the role we play in the home, that is why it is so important to make it a priority”.

[photo_footer]  Moments of prayer. / Marina Acuña[/photo_footer] 


Two growing projects

Finally there was time to present both projects.

Agostinho Teixeira presented ASPEC, with a well-established history in Portugal in contact with local churches and a focus on evangelism.

Among other projects, they shared the development of a directory (Parceiros de confiança) with which they are making good synergies between entrepreneurs all over the country.

ASPEC also takes care of the fellowship of business people, with over 20 local prayer groups and the use of materials both for evangelism - Alpha or the Timothy Project - and for personal and professional growth and development.

Afterwards, Ángel González explained the vision and mission of LEC, which focuses on supporting Christian entrepreneurs, fostering fellowship, prayer for one another and the application of Christian principles in the work and personal spheres.

[photo_footer] Ángel González of LEC. / Marina Acuña[/photo_footer] 

Among the projects, he highlighted the start of several local groups this year, the monthly publication of the LEC magazine through Spanish news website Protestante Digital, or its recently launched website and social media.

The meeting closed with an interesting dialogue on how Christian entrepreneurs can work with each other for the advancement of the Gospel.

The meeting was positively evaluated by the participants, making it clearer that the collaboration between Portugal and Spain has much to look forward to.

This article was translated with permission from the 'Líderes Empresariales' (Business Leaders) initiative of the Spanish evangelical business network Tres-e.


[title]One more year[/title]


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