Church planting and revitalisation, media, theology, charitable work, and ministry to younger generations were some of the topics addressed by participants from countries such as Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Ukraine.
The consequences of neglecting our responsibility to each other and our shared home are no longer distant, they are here now, and the church cannot wait any longer to act.
L4 deepened my understanding of global perspectives and the greatest priorities for advancing global mission: intergenerational leadership, discipleship, and justice.
Europe has an enormous bureaucracy (parliament, commission, council, courts, etc.), many skills and excellences in various sectors, but it does not have an adequate leadership.
Several Christian entrepreneurs in Spain have recently been recognised for their exemplary work.
I hope we would agree that worship is more than song-singing. Actually, worship is about revelation of God and response to God.
Letting the next generation step up.
A gathering of ministry and church leaders in Madrid, highlights the adaptation process that is taking place within the Spanish evangelical sphere.
Christian manager Pere Rosales talks about his vision of success, leadership and the learning process that can enhance the life path of any person.
With a large evangelical presence, politicians, intellectuals and social activists held the Transatlantic Summit for freedom and the culture of life in Madrid.
The master class “will explore our deep-felt needs and how to segue from the topic of longings to a presentation of the Gospel”.
Let us ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness’ (Matt 6:33) and we will be satisfied to sacrifice our lives to see it manifest.
The ultimate example of altruistic integrity is Jesus, who although God, ‘did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself’.
When leadership and preaching go together, the church isn’t functioning merely as a business, but as a spiritual community responding to the Word of God.
At their annual meeting, Spanish Christian business leaders reflected on the challenges they face and the need to unite and support each other.
A tribute to Daniel Bourdanné (1959-2024). By Bryn Rickards and Sarah Hannington.
Registration is now open for the ELF conference in Wisla (Poland), 17-22 May. Peter J. Williams of Tyndale House in the UK will be the Bible teacher.
The online class aims to “understand what is happening in European culture and give a way forward on how to respond as a follower of Jesus”.
Adaptive leadership is a way to ensure that a church, mission agency, or organization thrives no matter how stormy the times are characterized by local and global realities.
If my heart is concerned about what people think of me, I may well be blind to the truth of the text I claim to understand and then proclaim to others.
Preventing abuse and misuse of power in Christian ministry.
Spain is to set up an app to limit access to pornography, but experts see loopholes. “We have to change the culture from the bottom up”, says a Christian leader.
Personal relationships were initiated or deepened, and synergy initiatives opened up. The call to build an intercultural and intergenerational church struck a chord.
Dominican veteran player Al Horford became a key part of the victory. He thanked God in Spanish as he received the trophy. Head coach Joe Mazzulla also spoke clearly about his Christian faith.
Portuguese and Spanish entrepreneurs shared a time of dialogue and joint training at the first such gathering of Christian business people.
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