2.1 billion people of world’s population has little or no Gospel access. Christ-followers should be outraged by this spiritual injustice.
Lindsay Brown closed the European Leadership Forum in Poland challenging participants to recover the centrality of the gospel and strengthen the mission of carrying the message of Christ to the ends of the Earth.
For the past decades, many scientists have affirmed so, extrapolating an overarching, all-explaining philosophy out of the biological process of the evolution of the species.
Honor and shame are prominent in Majority World cultures, where these moral values form the ‘operating system’ of everyday life. People avoid disgrace and seek status in the eyes of the community.
About 390’000 people attend a Christian church in Scotland. The growth of Pentecostals and free evangelicals is not enough to stop the decline of the other denominations.
“His writings made theism a serious option within academic philosophy”, the John Templeton Foundation says. Plantinga hopes “the Prize will encourage young philosophers.”
Evangelical churchgoers are 0.4 per cent of the population and in some regions believers are almost “invisible”. The average size of an evangelical church is 49 people, according to a study produced by the Portuguese Evangelical Alliance.
Today’s multicultural European society seeks to integrate the foreigner yet often fails because of the differences that exist between cultures. We believe that this is a challenge that God is putting in front of the churches of today.
At about 40 light-years from Earth, it is possible that some of them could have water on their surface.
“You need unity in leadership, a clear vision, and people to see a church growing”, says church planter Oivind Augland, in an interview about church planting and growth.
For the Muslim convert, the feeling of being at home includes the aspects of fellowship (“sharing things in common”), and growing into a sense of shared ownership as partners.
The number of worship places has increased tenfold in 60 years. There are 650,000 evangelical Christians in France, a new study shows.
Evangelical Christians are the biggest faith minority in the country. The steep fall of Roman Catholic believers contrasts with the growth of Atheism.
“Church planting is a business here”, Dan Huffstutler, director of East Africa Baptist School of Theology, denounces.
The Christian church is a global phenomenon, and mission is a worldwide endeavor.
“Pilot error or a technical fault, but not terrorism, were likely to have caused the crash”, Russia’s transport minister said. 92 have died.
Two football players and the stewardess who survived the tragedy are evangelical Christians: “The situation is complicated, difficult”. Fans gathered to pray the Lord’s Prayer.
A CEA survey analyzes the relationship between native churches and foreign mission agencies. Youth ministry, church planting, and leadership training are the main areas where they work together.
Hundreds gathered to learn, celebrate Jesus and share experiences during the Youth Specialities Europe summit. Local churches should be “communities of forgiveness” for everyone.
If the current situation has encouraged mission agencies in Europe to ask questions again about their core business and the values of service, radical availability, and sacrifice, then God will continue to be glorified, even in the midst of political turmoil and uncertainty.
Hundreds of participants will participate in specialised networks. The morning Bible teacher will be Prof. John Lennox and evening plenary speakers include Lindsay Brown, Leonardo De Chirico, Hans Bayer and Michael Reeves.
The center has chaplains and prayer spaces, representing Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism.
About 90% of the Native Americans have minimal or no connection to Christianity. “There are no mega-churches with Indians, but we have people who love the Lord”, Emerson Falls, former chairman of FoNAC, said.
What mysterious properties do the Oikopleura dioica have to challenge God and cause such religious tremors?
“There are 2,200 in France and about 50 in the Bretagne region. However, these are still relatively unknown churches”. French public television France 3 airs report about evangelical pastor Thierry Le Gall.
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