There are 4,238 evangelical places of worship in the country. Evangelical Christians are the religious minority with the greatest presence in the country.
With more than 4,000 places of worship, evangelicals continue to advance in number in Spain. In an interview, researcher Máximo Álvarez analyzes this increase.
“We will never reach Europe if we do not plant churches [...] It is necessary to impact our community”, said Øivind Augland in a M4 meeting held in Barcelona.
Twenty-eight years without this terrible landmark of separation, family divisions, a country divided.
Christian alienation is not, by definition, a negative consequence of being Christian or an unintentional aspect of Christian life.
“We have a responsibility to ensure the visibility of disabled people”.
Churches and its Christians would do well to simply follow the example of Jesus Christ and his approach to power and to those isolated or excluded by it.
Author and PhD in Biology, Antonio Cruz, analyses the importance of the finding of a lake of liquid water in Mars, made by the European Space Agency.
“One third of the world call themselves ‘Christians’, but a significant proportion of them are missing... Something has to change!”, the statement of the 2018 Global Consultation on Nominal Christianity reads.
Our thinking, attitude, behavior with regard to Islam in Europe should be guided by God’s self-giving love manifested at the cross of Golgotha.
Percy Buffard founded the Spanish Evangelical Mission in 1917. The square of Moral de Calatrava where the current evangelical church is, will bear his name.
The Nazarene Church grieves with the relatives of the victims as new leaders are trained to serve the churches that lost their pastors.
Ten pastors and wives of the Nazarene Church were returning from a spiritual retreat in La Habana. Only three of the 110 people on board survived.
About 160 representatives from four continents met for the EBM International Mission Council. “We are servants of God, his disciples and his ambassadors”.
More than 100 military personnel were on board the plane. It crashed in the province of Blida, near capital Algiers.
Myth 6: A sermon is just the sum of its parts.
Fueled by the desire to “see more workers in the harvest field”, MOSTY (the Czech word for bridges) not only aims to see short-term missionaries involved in mission, but also to serve the sending churches abroad.
More than 170 church planters from 29 countries met in Berlin for the NC2P gathering. The vision is to collaborate and learn from each other to reach Europe’s societies with the Gospel.
Eighty-seven new places of worship have been opened in the last six months of 2017. There are now 4,045 evangelical premises throughout the country.
In their own quiet way, Russia’s Protestant denominations are continuing to evangelise.
One of the main tasks of those involved in mission is to challenge the people to ask questions like “What does it mean to be a Christian?”
How to be effective in disciple-making in the twenty-first century.
A recent EBF Mission Partnership conference in Georgia sought to ‘encourage, and inspire in ministry’ a group of indigenous church planters from Eastern Europe.
Are believers forming exclusively Romanian mono-cultural churches? Are they integrating into existing British churches? Are they joining in with multicultural churches that reflect Britain’s cultural and ethnic diversity?
“The Forum is the best training event I've seen in Europe in the last 20-25 years”, says Prof. John Lennox. The morning Bible teacher will be Peter J. Williams, Principal and CEO of Tyndale House.
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