The head of Relational Mission “will give us an overview of the New Testament model of the Christian (and church) life”, says the FOCL, organiser of the event.
The WEA organised a virtual event to evaluate the impact of unilateral sanctions on churches and aid organizations worldwide and gives recommendations on how to overcome it.
How vital it is to think it through, pray it through, and learn lessons in the late summer before another winter comes (whatever that may look like where you are).
The 2021 European Evangelical Alliance annual event will be held online (7-10 June). “Our mission requires perspectives and contributions from all spheres of society”.
Participants from all over the world “received encouragement and inspiration through specialized training, mentoring and networking”, say the organisers of the European Leadership Forum.
It will allow users to ask for and respond prayers. “We are committed to build tools that help people connect to hope”, says the Facebook head of Global Faith Partnerships.
Let’s not choose between in-building or online children’s and youth work; let’s not create exclusion by cutting off families who have been able to connect to church like never before over the past 12 months.
So much of our time is spent with entertainment and social media these days; we need to reengage with God’s Great Story not only on Sundays.
The churches that will recover the best from COVID and the Zoom church phenomenon are those which take thes three marks seriously: preaching, sacraments, and Christian fellowship.
A Pew Research survey shows that 47% of religiously unaffiliated adults have experienced any form of online harassment. It happens most among those under the age of 30.
Olivier Giroud, David Luiz, Alisson Becker, Kevin Durant, among others, offered their jerseys. “260 million persecuted Christians is unacceptable”.
Seek to speak from God’s heart to theirs: sensitively, passionately, directly, and clearly.
The online event looked back on the impact of the Cape Town Lausanne Movement global gathering, 10 years ago. ‘Impact groups’ shared about how they prepare for the 2021 European conference.
On the 500th anniversary of his birth, Andalusian evangelicals and authorities “remember, not only Casiodoro de Reina, but all those who contributed to have the Bible in Spanish”.
Over the past eight months, Impact Groups have been forming all over Europe. How to reach young people in urban settings and on university campuses with the dynamic gospel will be one of the topics discussed at the Oct. 24 online event.
The centres start face-to-face classes with significantly less students but boosting its digital resources. “The need to share the message of hope in Christ is even more urgent”.
Would this already-ailing institution ever recover from lockdown?
Be personal in your message, but remember it is out there for all.
“Churches were shut, but many have never been busier”, said the United Kingdom Evangelical Alliance as the findings of the survey ‘Changing church: Responding to the coronavirus crisis’ were presented.
“This conference is an impressive example of how the church has been adapting during the pandemic”, a participant says. 25 Networks, 101 workshops, plenaries and mentoring were available online.
The National Council of Evangelicals of France collected the data of 580 churches. 8 in 10 congregations have used video conferences and other online tools during the Covid-19 lockdown.
A Pew Research survey shows that 24% of adults say their faith has grown stronger, only 2% say it has become weaker.
This year’s edition of the ELF will be online from May 22-28. Over 100 speakers will teach in workshops, seminars, networks and plenary sessions.
The October 2020 Gathering has been moved to November 2021. The “Impact Groups” of the LE2020 Conversation are still running.
I would like to offer some thoughts on the issue with the hope of stimulating further reflection by the church.
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